hey ho!

more and more organisations are having IT managers who are completely bonkers and who, for example, blocking all outgoing connections but to ports 80 and 443 as if you can squeeze the whole world through that. what does that mean for users who are about not only to scroll stupid content but also about to stream something to a liquidsoap server? bad news actually, as rarely do we find a server with http(s) ports unused and open to other tasks than serving some web pages...

so i tried to work around with making a reverse proxy on apache httpd. it listens on port 80 and serves web pages, but for one virtual domain i made a proxypass to a liquidsoap engine that sits on other port. in the logs i can see that initial connection happens and even metadata chunk comes through, but then, perhaps due to being non-http compliant stream, that stream of data confuses http server and chunks of it appear in main (other) domain's access log as unrecognised requests with pieces of what seems like audio data. of course, liquidsoap times out that connection with an error and nothing plays.
have any of YOU came across such barrier and managed a workaround?

i've heard there is a stupid web browser called google chrome and it doesn't play music anymore if it doesn't come encrypted and also from https port. for that one i managed to make apache httpd to ssl-encrypt and reverse-proxy local icecast server with no problems - it sings!
however, vice versa - streamer to receiver - proxying didn't work out...


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