As been said before in this thread, AJAX is just another 'architecture' for creating systems that allow end users to use online services (although due to the increased attack surface one more potentially dangerous than an website interface).

But will AJAX dramatically increase or decrease the security vulnerabilities that exist in applications? I am not sure.

More and more I am convinced that it is the 'development model' / 'development mindset' that has the greater impact in the security of the newly created applications.

In an environment where:

    a) end clients (the ones paying for the development) don't care about (or don't know how to demand) secure applications,
    b) solution architects have limited time/budget to design a solution to 'ever-moving project objectives/deliverables'
    c) projects are so complex that nobody has a full technical understanding of the entire system
    d) there is no (or there is a weak) formal security process (from threat modeling, to secure by design/default/deployment designs, to code audits)
    e) developers don't have a strong understanding of the security implications of the programing techniques that they use
    f) developers  are given  unrealistic deadlines for the number of features requested
    g) the financial benefit in writing secure code, is much smaller than the financial benefits of writing feature rich applications which have good performance
    h) security incidents will be 'covered up', not publicly disclosed unless they really have to, and the responsible parties (which in my view, in most of the cases are not the developers) are not made accountable
    g) the ever changing of technologies used (where nobody really masters it, and even very experienced programmers are most of the time 'professional amateurs')
    i) the increased complexity and interconnectivity of our systems do you expect secure applications to be developed?

Ultimately we must look at the assets and answer the question "are they still being compromised?"  regardless if the attack vector are buffer overflows, SQL injection, Authorization  failures, etc...

We also must note the 'depth' of the compromise. Are we a talking about a compromise of an Web Application, the server or the data center?

With the current speed of the industry, unless the 'model' behind the Software Development Lifecycle promotes security, then there will always be multiple ways to create security vulnerabilities.

Unfortunately it does not end with a good Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDL). For example Microsoft currently has a better SSDL than Oracle, but is still creating insecure applications, frameworks and operating systems that (for example) are not able to handle malicious code executed from within (namely Full Trust .Net code and Vista's UAC/LUA). Microsoft understands yesterday's security problems (buffer overflows, Sql injections, xss, crypto attacks,etc...) but doesn't understand (or wants to understand) tomorrow's security  problems (securely execution of malicious code, authorization vulnerabilities, race-conditions, malicious developers, CLR attacks, etc...).

So here we end up with the good-old Business case. When there is no short-term business case and strong client/government demand for a secure solution/product/operating system, the companies delivering applications will not do it voluntarily  (even when they have a good understanding of security and have developers who understand secure coding practices)

So coming back to AJAX.... I would say: Show me your development model, mindset, motivation and past exploitation record; add in the technologies used, and I will show you where security vulnerabilities are very likely to exist.

Dinis Cruz
Owasp .Net Project

Jeff Williams wrote:
Hi Eric,

I think you've nailed what's really going on here.  There's this huge
timelag between when new technologies are introduced and when we (as a
software development community) are really using them securely.

As several folks have pointed out, there's nothing fundamentally new about
the security issues created by AJAX. As a *security* community, our
challenge is to translate the principles and practices that we understand to
the new technologies that come along.  Our track record isn't particularly
good here by the way. We never translated the extensive access control work
from the 80's to the web environment. We're starting to translate what we've
learned about web apps to web services.  But, realistically, it's going to
be a while before we are effectively securing AJAX apps.

OWASP, as an all volunteer open-source project, has a role to play here.
When new technologies arise, we approach them from a bunch of different
angles.  Generally, the presentations at local chapters and email threads
like this happen first.  The Guide captures the issues more completely and
fully. WebScarab adds support for the technology, and WebGoat lessons get
built to help developers really learn. And maybe we even build some
technology to help developers protect their applications.

Look at the support we have for web services developers for an example.
We've got several great presentations (and video podcasts), fantastic
content in the Guide, excellent testing tools in WebScarab, and cool lessons
in WebGoat.  We've started doing similar stuff for AJAX as some others have

It's a huge challenge -- and we need all the help we can get.  Please let me
know if you have ideas about how we can be more effective.

Jeff Williams, Chair
The OWASP Foundation

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owasp-dotnet-
[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Eric Swanson
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 8:34 PM
Subject: RE: [Owasp-dotnet] Re: [SC-L] Is there any Security problem in

My question: How does OWASP plan to educate the public regarding security
concerns raised by AJAX and, indeed, any new methodology or technology and
what is its plan to develop tools that translate this education into
practice?  *AJAX and related methodologies should be addressed by all
within OWASP, so I'm guessing that the .NET group isn't the only group
actively discussing it.  (AFLAX - a Flash version also raises the same

The security concerns with the AJAX method are the same as they have
been and the standard checklists still apply.  I think the real concern is
that the popularity of AJAX will continue to enable ignorant programmers
develop insecure solutions and possibly more importantly solutions that
violate personal privacy (i.e. the AJAX concept allows a website to
information as you type it, regardless of whether you explicitly submit
information -- this was possible using hidden frames in the past, but it
will become a more evident problem as popularity increases; I raised this
issue last year regarding auto-form completion programs).

AJAX is just another method of making a request to the server and (yet
another redundant point) all requests need to be authorized and validated.
The same applies to EVERY request to the server.

*The barrier for rapid, rich-client development is getting lower as
high-level programming progresses and implementation choices are
ever-growing.  It's up to groups like this to make security concerns
to all parties, standardize security practices, provide the resources and
tools to educate and verify conformity to standards, etc.

--Eric Swanson

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Yvan Boily
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:35 AM
To: George Capehart
Cc: Dinis Cruz;; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Owasp-dotnet] Re: [SC-L] Is there any Security problem in

Hi George,

I think a much more eloquent form of what you are saying is that
validation must be performed each time data crosses a security

The challenge is in helping people to understand what a security boundary

Yvan Boily

On 3/13/06, George Capehart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dinis Cruz wrote:
I personally think that AJAX has the potential to create very insecure
applications because it pushes the data validation and authorization
back to the client (i.e. the browser)
"AJAX brings 'Back the Rich Client' and all its security problems"

Kentaro, on your AJAX application you must follow the rule-of-thumb of
not trusting any data supplied by your own Client-Side-AJAX functions, and
authorize every request.
In a nutshell: any data validation and authorization decisions/actions
made at the Client-Side-AJAX functions are only there for usability, and
have NO security value.
I enthusiastically agree with the above.  I'll take it further and
that, even then, the input from the Web should/must be examined and
before use . . .  /*still*/ need to check for SQL injection attacks,
IMNSHO, identification, authorization and validation should always be
the part of the system that is at risk if the input is bad (in any of
connotations of bad) . . .



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