Re: [SC-L] Bugs and flaws

2006-02-01 Thread Gunnar Peterson

Hi John,

Which of the following more aptly characterizes the problem?:

IMPL. BUG: Insufficient security-constraint existed on the admin  
Servlet in

the app's deployment descriptor.

ARCH. FLAW: No façade component gated privileged functionality
ARCH. FLAW: Privileged functionality incapable of judging Principal's
entitlement (both fine, one user changing another's password, or  

application functionality improperly accessed)

Clausewitz said to be strong, first in general, and then at the  
decisive point. Assuming you consider authentication and  
authorization on admin functions a decisive point, then this scenario  
is a failure in both instances. The question you raise is locating  
the responsibility to deal with this problem. In a distributed  
system, there are many potential areas to locate those controls.  
Problems do not necessarily have to be solved (and in some cases  
cannot be) at the same logical layer they were created (http:// Would  
an authenticating reverse proxy have prevented this problem? How  
about stronger identity protocols?

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Re: [SC-L] Bugs and flaws

2006-02-01 Thread Crispin Cowan
John Steven wrote:
> I'm not sure there's any value in discussing this minutia further, but here
> goes:
We'll let the moderator decide that :)

> 1) Crispin, I think you've nailed one thing. The continuum from:
> Architecture --> Design --> Low-level Design --> (to) Implementation
> is a blurry one, and certainly slippery as you move from 'left' to 'right'.

> But, we all should understand that there's commensurate blur in our analysis
> techniques (aka architecture and code review) to assure that as we sweep
> over software that we uncover both bugs and architectural flaws.
Also agreed.

> 2) Flaws are different in important ways bugs when it comes to presentation,
> prioritization, and mitigation. Let's explore by physical analog first.
I disagree with the word usage. To me, "bug" and "flaw" are exactly
synonyms. The distinction being drawn here is between "implementation
flaws" vs. "design flaws". You are just creating confusing jargon to
claim that "flaw" is somehow more abstract than "bug". Flaw ::= defect
::= bug. A vulnerability is a special subset of flaws/defects/bugs that
has the property of being exploitable.

> I nearly fell through one of my consultant's tables as I leaned on it this
> morning. We explored: "Bug or flaw?".
The wording issue aside, at the implementation level you try to
code/implement to prevent flaws, by doing things such as using higher
quality steel (for bolts) and good coding practices (for software). At
the design level, you try to design so as to *mask* flaws by avoiding
single points of failure, doing things such as using 2 bolts (for
tables) and using access controls to limit privilege escalation (for

Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
Director of Software Engineering, Novell
Olympic Games: The Bi-Annual Festival of Corruption

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Re: [SC-L] Bugs and flaws

2006-02-01 Thread John Steven
I'm not sure there's any value in discussing this minutia further, but here

1) Crispin, I think you've nailed one thing. The continuum from:

Architecture --> Design --> Low-level Design --> (to) Implementation

is a blurry one, and certainly slippery as you move from 'left' to 'right'.
But, we all should understand that there's commensurate blur in our analysis
techniques (aka architecture and code review) to assure that as we sweep
over software that we uncover both bugs and architectural flaws.
2) Flaws are different in important ways bugs when it comes to presentation,
prioritization, and mitigation. Let's explore by physical analog first.

I nearly fell through one of my consultant's tables as I leaned on it this
morning. We explored: "Bug or flaw?".

A bolt's head had been sheered. The sheer had allowed the bolt to wiggle
loose and made the table top wobble.

IMPL. BUG: The bolt's head was weak-enough to sheer*
* Some readers will complain that the bolt manufacturer should have made the
bolt stronger. Don't get bogged down, we're building a table 'system' here,
and we can't control the bolt any more than we can control IBM's
implementation of Websphere. With respect to this table 'system', we have a

Was there a masked bug? Was the truss' metal cut but not buffed in a way
that caused an otherwise strong-enough bolt to score over time and
eventually sheer under normal load?

ARCH. FLAW: [Some aspect of the table's design] caused the bolt to sheer.
ARCH. FLAW: The table's design is not resilient to a sheered bolt.

As Crispin, Steve, and myself would likely agree... Good application of
techniques involved in common architectural and code-based analyses would
have likely found all of these problems. Remember, my thesis is that the
real difference is what we do w/ the vulns., not now they're identified.

In my experience, where overlap between bugs and flaws exist, mitigating the
flaw is almost always warranted.

As a table architect, I could have calculated the forces the table would
face (through misuse case def.) and realized that my requirements warranted
a stronger bolt. I can't control the strength of the bolt, but I could pick
a stronger one (Maybe Jboss resists an attack that Websphere doesn't).

Alternatively, I could have designed my system so that the bolt's relative
weakness wasn't exposed. Specifically, I could have introduced more support
trusses into the legs, used additional bolts, pegs, or [whatever] at the
same interface, or scrapped my table design, and started over in an attempt
to avoid that weakness.

'Wondering why a Cigitalite is spending so much time on a table? I'm
beginning to as well; onto Struts:

A valid user accesses a web-app, recognizes that the URLs are predictable,
and tries out ... It works! He uses the
available interface to change another user's password, then impersonates the
other user's identity.

Regardless of how we unravel this, we know that there was a failure in
authorization of authenticated users.

Which of the following more aptly characterizes the problem?:

IMPL. BUG: Insufficient security-constraint existed on the admin Servlet in
the app's deployment descriptor.

ARCH. FLAW: No façade component gated privileged functionality
ARCH. FLAW: Privileged functionality incapable of judging Principal's
entitlement (both fine, one user changing another's password, or coarse,
application functionality improperly accessed)

All of the above statements are ostensibly true... The difference in the
characterization is bias--each implying a different fix. At a workflow
level, I always verify that applications I'm reviewing do, in-fact, possess
the abilities to evaluate Principal identity, and authorize their access to
functionality and data. So, I might be prone to reporting the problem as the
last flaw.

In the case of this example, the bigot in me might get wound up with
labeling the problem as the first architectural flaw. Does the façade
pattern (for security purposes or not) break the Struts pattern of
parameterized dispatch of ActionController Servlets?  I can't say
conclusively at THIS level of analysis.

Certainly, the implied fix is easiest if I'd characterized the problem as
the security-constraint bug.

Summarizing, my characterization of a vulnerability as a bug or a flaw has
important implications towards how it's mitigated. In the case of the Struts
example, the bug-based fix is easiest--but in so characterizing the problem
I may (or may not) miss other instances of this vulnerability within the
application's code base.

How do I know how to characterize a vulnerability along the continuum of
bugs-->flaws?  I don't know for sure, but I've taken to using my experience
over a number of assessments to "upcast" typically endemic problems as flaws
(and solve them in the design or architecture) and "downcast" those problems
that have glaring quick-fixes. In circumstances where both those heuristics

[SC-L] Bugs and flaws -- Micro-tainting

2006-02-01 Thread David A. Wheeler

Crispin Cowan declared:
>...Validate your inputs.
>There are automatic tools (taint and equivalent) that will check whether
>you have validated your inputs. But they do *not* check the *quality* of
>your validation of the input. Doing a consistency check on the file name
>extension and the data interpreter type for the file is beyond (most?)
>such checkers.

Aleks Kissinger (who interned here) and I have actually
done research in that direction, which we call "micro-tainting".
Instead of declaring an entire field as "tainted" or not,
you track individual units (typically individual characters).
If the character came from an untrusted source, it's tainted;
if it came from a trusted source (e.g., program constants) it's not.

You can do this dynamically by using a different string library
or changing the implementation of the standard string library
for the language you're using.  It's particularly easy if
you use 32bits for unicode characters, because you already
have some unused bits.  We've done this, and we're not the
only ones.  There's also PHP module that does this;
it even stores the taint information in a database,
so later data retrievals STILL know which characters came from
untrusted sources.  (The PHP folks came up with the idea
independently of us; we only learned of each other via Usenix,
after we'd both developed the idea further.)

More interesting to us was doing this _statically_, i.e.,
determining before run-time.  Aleks' ACSAC 2005 public talk
primarily discussed how to do it statically.

Of course, just tracking tainting isn't enough... you still need
to know what is acceptable to "output", and to WHERE.
But this only requires identifying specific output functions
that can be dangerous (system(), etc.) and a spec of WHAT
is okay.  We found regular expressions were actually a
simple and convenient way to express where taint would be
allowed (and where it wouldn't), though BNFs and any other
language definition system works just fine too.

Oh, and here's an interesting tidbit.  For the static case,
if you work backwards, when the check “fails” you can
even trivially derive the input patterns that cause
security failures (and from that information it
should be easy to figure out how to fix it).

This was presented at ACSAC 2005 in the "Works in Progress" session.

Of course, this is all WAY beyond what typical language
implementations provide developers today.  But it's worth
knowing about.

--- David A. Wheeler

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Re: [SC-L] Bugs and flaws

2006-02-01 Thread Steven M. Bellovin
In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Crispin Cowan writes:
> Unfortunately, this safety feature is nearly useless, because if you
>take an infected whatever.doc file, and just *rename* it to whatever.rtf
>and send it, then MS Word will cheerfully open the file for you when you
>double click on the attachment, ignore the mismatch between the file
>extension and the actual file type, and run the fscking VB embedded within.

That actually illustrates a different principle: don't have two 
different ways of checking for the same thing.

--Steve Bellovin,

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Re: [SC-L] Bugs and flaws

2006-02-01 Thread Crispin Cowan
Gary McGraw wrote:
> If the WMF vulnerability teaches us anything, it teaches us that we need
> to pay more attention to flaws.
The "flaw" in question seems to be "validate inputs", i.e. don't just
trust network input (esp. from an untrusted source) to be well-formed.

Of special importance to the Windows family of platforms seems to be the
propensity to do security controls based on the file type extension (the
letters after the dot in the file name, such as .wmf) but to choose the
application to interpret the data based on some magic file typing based
on looking at the content.

My favorite ancient form of this flaw: .rtf files are much safer than
doc files, because the RTF standard does not allow you to attach
VBscript (where "VB" stands for "Virus Broadcast" :) while .doc files
do. Unfortunately, this safety feature is nearly useless, because if you
take an infected whatever.doc file, and just *rename* it to whatever.rtf
and send it, then MS Word will cheerfully open the file for you when you
double click on the attachment, ignore the mismatch between the file
extension and the actual file type, and run the fscking VB embedded within.

I am less familiar with the WMF flaw, but it smells like the same thing.

Validate your inputs.

There are automatic tools (taint and equivalent) that will check whether
you have validated your inputs. But they do *not* check the *quality* of
your validation of the input. Doing a consistency check on the file name
extension and the data interpreter type for the file is beyond (most?)
such checkers.

>   We spend lots of time talking about
> bugs in software security (witness the perpetual flogging of the buffer
> overflow), but architectural problems are just as important and deserve
> just as much airplay.
IMHO the difference between "bugs" and "architecture" is just a
continuous grey scale of degree.

Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
Director of Software Engineering, Novell
Olympic Games: The Bi-Annual Festival of Corruption

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Re: [SC-L] eWeek: AJAX Poses Security, Performance Risks

2006-02-01 Thread Crispin Cowan
ljknews wrote:
> I have been involved in a dialog with AJAX fans (which is different from
> experts) who say "you security folks just have to bow to the inevitable
> and figure out how to secure whatever mechanism we come up with.
This attitude is not unique to AJAX advocates. I remember holding this
view myself, while wrestling with the problems of producing a truly
transparent distributed operating system in the late 1980s and early
1990s; security was a bother that made things hard(er).

Of course, this is just lifetime employment for security people :) I
have certainly made a career out of securing things that are inherently

Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
Director of Software Engineering, Novell
Olympic Games: The Bi-Annual Festival of Corruption

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