Re: [SC-L] Application Insecurity --- Who is at Fault?

2005-04-19 Thread George Capehart
Hash: SHA1

Crispin Cowan wrote:

>> This is particularly interesting to me because I just had a doctoral
>> student come to me with an idea for dissertation research that
>> included an hypothesis that organizations at SEI 1 were better able to
>> estimate software development time and costs than organizations at SEI
>> 5.  He didn't seem to grasp the implications to quality, security,
>> life cycle maintenance, etc.
> Or it could be that the student is positing that the methods mandated in
> the SEI are a grand waste of time, which would be an interesting
> hypothesis to test. Certainly the successes of open source development
> models make a mockery of some of the previously thought hard rules of
> Brooks' "Mythical Man Month", and I dare say that traditional software
> engineering methods deserve questioning.

Sorry about the tardy comment.  The topic in the subject line comes up
over and over and each time the threads end up differently.  It reminds
me of the old Indian story of the blind men and the elephant.  I've been
working on trying to a general set of comments that I hope will provide
for a whole new round of discussion, but one in which we discuss the
elephant rather than ropes, tree trunks, fans, etc.  That's still a bit
of a way off.  In the meantime, I'd like to speak to this comment
because it's fairly specific and it's not directly addressing "security."

The CMM is a mechanism for describing how well disciplined an
organization's software development (or lifecycle) process is.  It does
*not* specify a particular methodology.  It only describes how well
disciplined and formalized the process is.  It aims to provide the same
kind of descriptive context for the software development process that
TQM, Six Sigma, etc. do for manufacturing.  The whole idea is to reduce
the variability in the process and make each step more repeatable.  By
definition, the more control one has over processes and the repeatable a
process becomes, the smaller the variance and standard deviation.  One
is much better able to estimate whatever parameter is of interest
(assuming it's meaningful and measurable).  The CMM provides a model and
some metrics that are useful in describing and measuring the software
development process.

Like every other tool, the CMM can be misused, and very frequently is .
. . in many different ways.  But used correctly, it is the perfect
mechanism for challenging and honing an organization's engineering
methods . . . whatever they are.  It doesn't specify a methodology, but
it *is* very good at showing an organization how well they are excuting
the methodology they have chosen to use.  If it's used to bring more and
more discipline into the process, the process becomes more predictable
and therefore, estimates will become more accurate and precise.  Problem
is, implementing the kind of discipline that the CMM measures is not
easy nor cheap, even though, in the long run, it pays off handsomely.
It typically implies major changes in the way processes are managed, and
that's typically painful.  It's also frequently unsuccessful in the
absence of strong change management process . . .



George Capehart

> Crispin

Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (MingW32)


RE: [SC-L] Doing something about software security

2005-04-19 Thread Gunnar Peterson
Thanks for the feedback and link (as well as to those who have replied off
line). Note, I did not intend that the 5 tools I listed were exhaustive, just
trying to get an idea what works in the field and wanted to get the ball
rolling. Any other candidates out there? Flawfinder, anyone?



> You seem to be leaving out one of the largest open efforts at security.
> ISECOM at covers security testing, secure coding,
> incident response and other security related topics.
> -Original Message-
> From:  Gunnar Peterson
> Date:  4/19/05 6:32 am
> To:  Secure Coding Mailing List
> Subj:  [SC-L] Doing something about software security
> I was thinking about something that Dave Winer said on the Gillmor Gang
> about how the software industry moves forward when small groups (like 1
> or 2) of developers get motivated to solve a problem. I was wondering
> how this applies to software security, since it seems like a perfect
> description for what seems to have motivated Phil Zimmermann to write
> PGP.
> In information security, we seem to have a preponderance of ideas and
> technologies from vendors and academia, but relatively less (compared
> to the software space) amount of grassroots efforts by small groups of
> developers making incremental improvements. There are probably a couple
> of reasons for this, first security tends to be a system property, so
> it can be difficult to deal with this incrementally. Secondly, security
> is sort of invisble, e.g. in normal app development work you code a lot
> and then *something* happens, your web server is suddenly multithreaded
> and can handle tons more volume of requests. In security, you work
> really hard, write a lot of code and then something doesn't happen.
> Does anyone have candidates for grassroots efforts targeted at software
> security and secure coding? Not necessarily required to be open source
> (though I would expect most of them to be), but a low barrier to entry
> for developers to use, e.g. free. I have started a list including:
> * mod_security
> * RATS
> * OWASP (Standards and tools)
> * Legion of the Bouncy Castle
> * Microsoft's Threat Modeling Tool
> Any other nominations?
> -gp

RE: [SC-L] Doing something about software security

2005-04-19 Thread jasonw
You seem to be leaving out one of the largest open efforts at security. ISECOM 
at covers
security testing, secure coding, incident response and other security related 

-Original Message-
From:  Gunnar Peterson
Date:  4/19/05 6:32 am
To:  Secure Coding Mailing List
Subj:  [SC-L] Doing something about software security

I was thinking about something that Dave Winer said on the Gillmor Gang
about how the software industry moves forward when small groups (like 1
or 2) of developers get motivated to solve a problem. I was wondering
how this applies to software security, since it seems like a perfect
description for what seems to have motivated Phil Zimmermann to write

In information security, we seem to have a preponderance of ideas and
technologies from vendors and academia, but relatively less (compared
to the software space) amount of grassroots efforts by small groups of
developers making incremental improvements. There are probably a couple
of reasons for this, first security tends to be a system property, so
it can be difficult to deal with this incrementally. Secondly, security
is sort of invisble, e.g. in normal app development work you code a lot
and then *something* happens, your web server is suddenly multithreaded
and can handle tons more volume of requests. In security, you work
really hard, write a lot of code and then something doesn't happen.

Does anyone have candidates for grassroots efforts targeted at software
security and secure coding? Not necessarily required to be open source
(though I would expect most of them to be), but a low barrier to entry
for developers to use, e.g. free. I have started a list including:

* mod_security
* OWASP (Standards and tools)
* Legion of the Bouncy Castle
* Microsoft's Threat Modeling Tool

Any other nominations?


[SC-L] Doing something about software security

2005-04-19 Thread Gunnar Peterson
I was thinking about something that Dave Winer said on the Gillmor Gang
about how the software industry moves forward when small groups (like 1
or 2) of developers get motivated to solve a problem. I was wondering
how this applies to software security, since it seems like a perfect
description for what seems to have motivated Phil Zimmermann to write

In information security, we seem to have a preponderance of ideas and
technologies from vendors and academia, but relatively less (compared
to the software space) amount of grassroots efforts by small groups of
developers making incremental improvements. There are probably a couple
of reasons for this, first security tends to be a system property, so
it can be difficult to deal with this incrementally. Secondly, security
is sort of invisble, e.g. in normal app development work you code a lot
and then *something* happens, your web server is suddenly multithreaded
and can handle tons more volume of requests. In security, you work
really hard, write a lot of code and then something doesn't happen.

Does anyone have candidates for grassroots efforts targeted at software
security and secure coding? Not necessarily required to be open source
(though I would expect most of them to be), but a low barrier to entry
for developers to use, e.g. free. I have started a list including:

* mod_security
* OWASP (Standards and tools)
* Legion of the Bouncy Castle
* Microsoft's Threat Modeling Tool

Any other nominations?
