Re: [SC-L] Re: White paper: "Many Eyes" - No Assurance Against Many Spies

2004-05-04 Thread Tad Anhalt
Crispin Cowan wrote:
> Ok, someone has mentioned Ken Thompson's Turing Award speech in a "my
>  security is better than yours" flamewar^W discussion. This almost 
> warrants a security-geek version of Godwin's law :)

  That's fine.  I didn't bring it up, the original article did.  I still do
think anybody who touches code should at least read it and think about
what it means.

  If somebody wants to turn this into a flame war, carry on.  I'll move
along.  No need to invoke anything at this point.

> For a really interesting long-term extrapolation of this point of 
> view, I strongly recommend reading "A Deepness in the Sky" by Vernor
>  Vinge

  Good book, yes I would recommend it as well.  "A Fire Upon the Deep"
is also both a good read and further explores the concept of how
dangerous it is to play with "hardware" that you don't understand.

> It also leads to the classic security analysis technique of amassing 
> *all* the threats against your system, estimating the probability and
> severity of each threat, and putting most of your resources against
> the largest threats. IMHO if you do that, then you discover that
> "Trojans in the Linux code base" is a relatively minor threat

  Yes, that's where I would hope most professionals would end up.  I've
often wondered how many people end up with "Oh, well, I guess it
doesn't matter anyway..."

> compared to "crappy user passwords", "0-day buffer overflows", and 
> "lousy Perl/PHP CGIs on the web server". This Ken Thompson gedanken 
> experiment is fun for security theorists, but is of little practical
>  consequence to most users.

  The article wasn't about installing software for "most users,"  but
rather about what sort of software is appropriate for networked devices
on a battlefield.

  Yes, it read like a advertisement.  Yes, it specifically singled out
"linux" and "open source" where there was no need to.   Yes, it used a
ton of overblown and bad analogies...

  I was hoping for a discussion to emerge about building software for
similar environments.  If network devices deployed in a battle zone
isn't the right cup of tea, how about health monitors that will be
hooked to a hospital network?  Software that will run on devices
intended on being imbedded inside the body ala pacemakers or coclear
implants.  Voting machines.  ABS systems, airbag controllers.  ATM

  The risks forum ( does a good job
detailing the problems that can arise when developing these systems, but
isn't as geared towards detailed discussions of reasonable solutions to
those problems...  I was hoping this list might be a better place for
discussions of that nature.

Tad Anhalt

Re: [SC-L] Re: White paper: "Many Eyes" - No Assurance Against Many Spies

2004-04-30 Thread Tad Anhalt
Jeremy Epstein wrote:
> I agree with much of what he says about the potential for 
> infiltration of bad stuff into Linux, but he's comparing apples and 
> oranges.  He's comparing a large, complex open source product to a 
> small, simple closed source  product.  I claim that if you ignore the
>  open/closed part, the difference in trustworthiness comes from the 
> difference between small and large.

  It's a lot deeper than that.  Here's the link to the original Ken
Thompson speech for convenience sake:

  This should be required reading (with a test following) for everyone
who ever touches code IMHO.  Simple, elegant, understandable and

  It's the difference between proving that there aren't problems and
hoping that there aren't problems.  Linux is really a peripheral issue.
 The same arguments could be used against any operating system and/or
software system that hasn't been designed and implemented from day 1
with this sort of issue in mind.

  A more interesting quote is this one:

"A few people who understood Ken Thompson’s paper wrote to me saying
that every operating system has this problem, so my indictment of Linux
security on this point is meaningless. They ask: “couldn’t someone at
Green Hills Software install a binary virus in the baseline Green Hills
Software compiler distribution and corrupt Green Hills Software’s
INTEGRITY operating system?” No, the FAA DO-178B Level A certification
process systematically checks every byte of object code of our
INTEGRITY-178B operating system to ensure that if malicious code is
introduced at any point throughout the tool chain (compiler, assembler,
linker, run-time libraries, etc.) it will be detected and removed. Since
INTEGRITY has only a few thousand lines of privileged-mode code, not the
millions of lines that burden Linux, this means of preventing viruses is
feasible for INTEGRITY, but not for Linux."

  How did they bootstrap their system?  In other words, how did they
ensure that they could trust their entire tool chain in the first place?
 They hint that the whole system was written by a few trusted persons.
Did they write the whole tool chain as well?  The scheme above protects
against future attack, but not against something that was there before
they started.  I'm sure that they have an answer for that question,
it's a pretty obvious one to ask...  Maybe I missed it on my read-through?

  That's the whole point of the Thompson lecture.  The hole is really
deep.  How far can you afford to dig?  How do you decide what to trust?

  Green Hills Software obviously has a vested interest in convincing the
reader that it's worth paying them whatever it is that they're charging
for the extra depth...  In some situations, it may be...  That's a risk
management decision.

Tad Anhalt