Re: [SC-L] Security in QA is more than exploits

2009-02-05 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 7:26 PM, Paco Hope  wrote:

> Andy also said "I think we lose something when we start saying 'everything
> is
> relative.'" I think we lose something more important if we try to impose
> abolutes: we lose the connection to the business. No business operates on
> absolutes and blind imperatives. Few, if any, profit-focused businesses
> dogmatically fix all remotely exploitable SQL injections. Every business
> looks
> pragmatically at these things. Fixing the bug might cause the release of
> the
> product to slip by 6 weeks or a major customer to buy a competitor's
> product
> this quarter instead of waiting for the release. It's always a judgment
> call
> by the business. Even if their goal and their track record is fixing 100%
> of
> sev 1 issues before release, you know that each sev 1 issue was considered
> in
terms of its cost, impact, schedule delay and so on.

The ppint here though is that repeatable processes do matter. Having a
standard of what constitutes a given severity of bug standardized in a
policy statement is a good thing.  Sure that is hard as every application is
different, but you need a starting place.  And so while my standards don't
say "XSS always equals P1" they do say "XSS that can be discovered in an
external facing application" or even slightly more generically than that.
So my bug priority matrix does talk about business impact because that is
what matters, but I still have to give real world examples to folks who
aren't expert security testers of how to handle a bug when they come across
it.  And we need to provide clear guidance in standards because every single
bug shouldn't require an ad-hoc trage process.

> It is an outstanding idea for infosec guys to provide security test cases,
> or
> the framework for them, to QA. That beats the heck out of what they usually
> do. However, a bunch of test cases for XSS, CSRF, SQL injection and so on
> will
> not map easily to requirements or to the QA workflow. At what priority do
> they
> execute? When the business (inevitably) squeezes testing to try to claw
> back a
> day or two on the slipped schedule, can any of these security tests be left
> out? Why or why not? Without hanging them into the QA workflow with clear
> traceability, QA will struggle to prioritize them correctly and maintain
> them.
> Security requirements would make that priority and maintenance
> straightforward. At this point I'm not disagreeing with you, but taking
> your

good approach and extending it a step farther.

I undertsand this, but handing security requirements to QA folks without a
set of reeatable test cases for doing them isn't going to help much, in mos
organizations.  James Whittaker doesn't work for me :) .  And if you're
developing web applications you're probably going to have some set of
standardized testing you do.  You need to have  a repository of test cases
for certain things, and I think testing for certain type of attacks is
probably a decent starting point.  Sure you want QA to own those, but if
you're worried about buffer overflows you've going to have a bunch of
standard test cases, test scenarios, test data (long input strings, inputs
with null bytes in them, etc) that you're going to reuse a bunch of times so
that each tester isn't starting from scratch when they see the security
requirments - "Application must handle input properly and not crash."

I don't think we're far off here in what we're saying, but repeatability is
key.  Leaving the interface with QA at the level of security requriements in
a functional spec isn't going to cut it.  And, you're probably going to have
some standardized set of security requirements for a whole swath of your
applications that you might not want to repeat ad-naseum in every single
product/feature spec.  This is the place for standards, policies, and
testing guidelines so that this becomes just part of the regular QA cycle.

Andy Steingruebl
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] Security in QA is more than exploits

2009-02-05 Thread Paco Hope
> For starters I believe you misinterpreted my comments on QA. I was in
> no way slamming their abilities. With this in mind comments below.

Sorry about that. I am sensitive to the bias. I went to a very small company
once (10 people total) and as I looked around I saw offices with big LCDs (I
assumed management) and cubicles with multi-core, multi-monitor setups (I
assumed developers). Then I saw this old wooden table with 3 5-year-old HP
desktops and a 15" tube monitor. I said to my host, the dev manager, "that's
the QA workstation." He looked surprised and said it was. He asked how I knew.
I said "because it's a piece of junk!" This plays out a lot in industry, both
big and little.

So I apologize if I misread and found bias where none was intended. I'm ever
vigilant against it.

> > Before anyone talks about vulnerabilities to test for, we have
> > to figure out what the business cares about and why. What could
> > go wrong? Who cares? What would the impact be? Answers to those
> > questions drive our testing strategy, and ultimately our test plans
> > and test cases.
> We absolutely agree here. At the same time an externally exploitable
> sql injection needs to get fixed.

Let me shock and appall people by saying "not necessarily." It is commonly
believed that some bugs are so horrific that we can say, without considering
the business context, "they must be fixed." 10 years ago we said this about
buffer overflows. "If you find a buffer overflow, you *must* fix it
immediately." Then we went into industry and found out that there were times
where missing a market window was far more costly than releasing a known
buffer overflow. Ditto for the most horrendous web vulnerability you can think
of. I resist absolute statements like this.

As Andy Steingruebl pointed out "you also prioritize around effort to test and
avoid, right?" Of course. We all agree that the cost of the fix is weighed
against the benefits of not fixing and an estimate of the impact of successful
exploitation. And that's why it's always possible you'll find a bug that
sounds horrible, but is released anyways.

Andy also said "I think we lose something when we start saying 'everything is
relative.'" I think we lose something more important if we try to impose
abolutes: we lose the connection to the business. No business operates on
absolutes and blind imperatives. Few, if any, profit-focused businesses
dogmatically fix all remotely exploitable SQL injections. Every business looks
pragmatically at these things. Fixing the bug might cause the release of the
product to slip by 6 weeks or a major customer to buy a competitor's product
this quarter instead of waiting for the release. It's always a judgment call
by the business. Even if their goal and their track record is fixing 100% of
sev 1 issues before release, you know that each sev 1 issue was considered in
terms of its cost, impact, schedule delay and so on.

> In your experience do you find average QA people doing risk
> management?

Not all of them. Actually our experiences parallel nicely. My point is that
any weak QA practitioners we're seeing in the marketplace are not QA folks who
are short on security training. We're seeing QA folks who are short on QA
training. When I find QA folks who are up-to-date on the state-of-the-practice
in modern QA, teaching them a little security is a lot easier. When we go to
teach security to folks who are already behind in their basics, we're building
a castle on shaky ground.

> Actually the main goal of the article is that information security
> people need to set appropriate expectations as to what QA cares about
> as their primary business function. They need to factor in that the
> majority of QA people don't care about security as a primary job
> function, and that if infosec wants them to care they had better
> be prepared to speak their language and understand their needs

So I'll continue to violently agree with you. :) QA is a process of taking
inputs in the form of requirements (use cases, stories, etc.) and producing
evidence of correct behavior (in both expected and unexpected situations). If
infosec wants to give QA something they can consume and use directly, security
requirements would be a great artifact. They fit the QA workflow, render
explicit the security expectations, and foster traceability and test case

It is an outstanding idea for infosec guys to provide security test cases, or
the framework for them, to QA. That beats the heck out of what they usually
do. However, a bunch of test cases for XSS, CSRF, SQL injection and so on will
not map easily to requirements or to the QA workflow. At what priority do they
execute? When the business (inevitably) squeezes testing to try to claw back a
day or two on the slipped schedule, can any of these security tests be left
out? Why or why not? Without hanging them into the QA workflow with clear
traceability, QA will struggle to prioritize them correctly and maintain th

Re: [SC-L] Security in QA is more than exploits

2009-02-05 Thread Andy Steingruebl
On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Paco Hope  wrote:

> Before anyone talks about vulnerabilities to test for, we have to figure
> out what the business cares about and why. What could go wrong? Who cares?
> What would the impact be? Answers to those questions drive our testing
> strategy, and ultimately our test plans and test cases.


I don't really read what Robert wrote this way.  I think what this general
"risk management" approach misses is that certain things are always going to
be defects, bugs, etc.  Sure there are differences per-business and
per-application.  All bugs aren't created equal.  But I think we lose
something when we start saying "everything is relative."  Each application,
each business, each org needs a testing plan, strategy, and a definition of
what they care about.  At the same time there are going to be common types
of tests that everyone performs.  All Robert is pointing out is that if
certain classes of vulnerabilities are important to you, then you want to
have a common testing process for them.

Bias #3 is that idea that a bunch of web vulnerabilities are equivalent in
> impact to the business. That is, you just toss as many as you can into your
> test plan and test for as much as you can. This isn't how testing is
> prioritized.

Again, I don't think he's saying this at all.  Where I work every XSS is
absolutely critical, and we get them fixed immediately.  this might not be
the case elsewhere.  Some folks don't really worry about XSS that much.
Because I can find differences though doesn't mean that everything is
relative.  Authentication bypass, SQL Injection, these types of things tend
to rate HIGH/P1/Major for almost everyone, and I think.

> You don't organize testing based on which top X vulnerabilities are likely
> to affect your organization (as the blog suggests). Likelihood is one part
> of the puzzle. Business impact is the part that is missing. You prioritize
> security tests by risk severity—that marriage of likelihood and impact to
> the business. If I have a whole pile of very likely attacks that are all low
> or negligible impact, and I have a few moderately likely attacks that have
> high impact, I should prioritize my testing effort around the ones with
> greater impact to my business.

Again - fair enough.  But at the same time you also prioritize around effort
to test and avoid, right?

Bias #4 is the treatment of testers like second class citizens. In the blog
> article, developers are "detail oriented" have a "deep understanding of
> flows." Constrast this with QA who merely understand "what is provided to
> them." They sound impotent, as if all they can do is what they're told.
> Software testing, despite whatever firsthand experience the author may have,
> is a mature discipline. It is older and more formalized than "security" as a
> discipline. Software testing is older than the Internet or the web. If
> software testing as a discipline has adopted security too slowly, given
> security's rise to the forefront in the marketplace, that might be a
> legitimate criticism. But I don't approve of the slandering QA by implying
> that they just take what's given them and execute it. QA is hard and there
> are some really bright minds working in that field.

I don't think Robert's comments were about the general field/discipline of
QA.  His commentary was more about the types of QA organizations he has come
across.  My own experience (albeit limited as well) has found a relative
lack of highly skilled QA folks as well.  There are people responsible for
quality that are at the level you're talking about but I still bet they are
more the exception than the rule.  Most QA organizations are staffed with
people writing relatively simple tests, running through positive functional
testing, etc.  I think the point here is that you have to tailor
expectations to the organization you have.  Much in the same way that if you
have mostly junior programmers who are lucky to get their code to compile
you're probably not going to have a lot of luck training them on formal
proofs, rigorous design, etc.

Andy Steingruebl
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
List information, subscriptions, etc -
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] Security in QA is more than exploits

2009-02-05 Thread bugtraq
For starters I believe you misinterpreted my comments on QA. I was in no way 
their abilities. With this in mind comments below. 

> Before anyone talks about vulnerabilities to test for, we have to figure ou=
> t what the business cares about and why. What could go wrong? Who cares? Wh=
> at would the impact be? Answers to those questions drive our testing strate=
> gy, and ultimately our test plans and test cases.

We absolutely agree here. At the same time an externally exploitable sql 
injection needs to get 
fixed. The way qa/development is informed to its impact is through education 
likely via training. 
Not a single company with average hiring/skill requirements will have everybody 
(who needs to) know 
what sql injection is, and why it is bad. 

> Bias #3 is that idea that a bunch of web vulnerabilities are equivalent in =
> impact to the business. That is, you just toss as many as you can into your=
>  test plan and test for as much as you can. This isn't how testing is prior=
> itized.

I said "A better approach in my opinion is to identify the top 10/25/x 
that are likely to affect your own organization"

These would be associated to customer or business impacts likely to affect you. 
Perhaps this could have been articulated better.
> As someone who has been training in risk-based security testing for several=
>  years now, I totally agree with some points, but very much disagree with o=
> thers. I agree that the "bug parade" (as we call it) of top X vulnerabiliti=
> es to find is the wrong way to teach security testing. Risk management, tho=
> ugh, has been a fundamental part of mainstream QA for a very long time. Lik=
> ewise, risk management is the same technique that good "security people" us=
> e to prioritize their results. Risk management is certainly how the busines=
> s is going to make decisions about which issues to remediate and when. Risk=
>  management is what ties this all together.

We agree.

> If there's something that QA needs to learn that they're not already learni=
> ng, it's the weaving of "security" into the risk management techniques they=
>  already know how to do. If testers fall short in their ability to apply ri=

In your experience do you find average QA people doing risk management?

In my experiences a Sr QA person/Team lead identifies what is going to be tested
for a given release, and usually are the ones writing/tracking the test plans. 

> So, in some ways we agree: speak the lingo of QA. But in other ways we disa=
> gree. I think the original article fails to give credit to the decades of s=
> ubstantial research and practice in QA. In other words, it's a lot more tha=
> n speaking the language. It is standing on the shoulders of giants, not the=
> ir toes.

Actually the main goal of the article is that information security people need 
to set appropriate expectations 
as to what QA cares about as their primary business function. They need to 
factor in that the majority of QA 
people don't care about security as a primary job function, and that if infosec 
wants them to care they had 
better be prepared 

- to speak their language and understand their needs
- to customize and prioritize the security testing they may be doing instead of 
solely using generic top x lists 

> Paco

Have a fantastic day Paco!

- Robert

Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] Security in QA is more than exploits

2009-02-04 Thread Paco Hope

I just read Robert's blog entry about "re-aligning training expectations for 
QA." ( It has some useful points that both developers and 
so-called "security people" need to hear. I disagree with some implicit biases, 
however, and I think we need to get past some stereotypes that sneak out in the 

Bias #1, obviously, is the focus on the web. Despite its omnipresence, there is 
more non-web software than web software in the world, and non-web software does 
more important stuff than all the web software combined. The role of security 
in _software_ testing is vital, and the presence or absence of web technologies 
does not change that. Despite writing a recent book on Web Security Testing, I 
know my place in the universe. Quality assurance and software testing are 
disciplines far older than the web, and their mission is so much bigger than 
finding vulnerabilities.

Bias #2 is vulnerabilities über alles. By talking about weaving vulnerabilities 
into security test plans, we've overlooked the first place where security goes 
into the QA process: test strategy. Look at any of the prominent folks in QA 
(Jon Bach, Michael Bolton, Rex Black, Cem Kaner), the people I'm privileged to 
share podiums with at QA conferences like STAR West, STAR East, and Better 
Software, and you'll see that security is part of the overall risk-based 
testing strategy. Risk-based testing has been around for a really long time. 
Longer than the web.

Before anyone talks about vulnerabilities to test for, we have to figure out 
what the business cares about and why. What could go wrong? Who cares? What 
would the impact be? Answers to those questions drive our testing strategy, and 
ultimately our test plans and test cases.

Bias #3 is that idea that a bunch of web vulnerabilities are equivalent in 
impact to the business. That is, you just toss as many as you can into your 
test plan and test for as much as you can. This isn't how testing is 

You don't organize testing based on which top X vulnerabilities are likely to 
affect your organization (as the blog suggests). Likelihood is one part of the 
puzzle. Business impact is the part that is missing. You prioritize security 
tests by risk severity—that marriage of likelihood and impact to the business. 
If I have a whole pile of very likely attacks that are all low or negligible 
impact, and I have a few moderately likely attacks that have high impact, I 
should prioritize my testing effort around the ones with greater impact to my 

Bias #4 is the treatment of testers like second class citizens. In the blog 
article, developers are "detail oriented" have a "deep understanding of flows." 
Constrast this with QA who merely understand "what is provided to them." They 
sound impotent, as if all they can do is what they're told. Software testing, 
despite whatever firsthand experience the author may have, is a mature 
discipline. It is older and more formalized than "security" as a discipline. 
Software testing is older than the Internet or the web. If software testing as 
a discipline has adopted security too slowly, given security's rise to the 
forefront in the marketplace, that might be a legitimate criticism. But I don't 
approve of the slandering QA by implying that they just take what's given them 
and execute it. QA is hard and there are some really bright minds working in 
that field.

As someone who has been training in risk-based security testing for several 
years now, I totally agree with some points, but very much disagree with 
others. I agree that the "bug parade" (as we call it) of top X vulnerabilities 
to find is the wrong way to teach security testing. Risk management, though, 
has been a fundamental part of mainstream QA for a very long time. Likewise, 
risk management is the same technique that good "security people" use to 
prioritize their results. Risk management is certainly how the business is 
going to make decisions about which issues to remediate and when. Risk 
management is what ties this all together.

If there's something that QA needs to learn that they're not already learning, 
it's the weaving of "security" into the risk management techniques they already 
know how to do. If testers fall short in their ability to apply risk management 
techniques, then they are falling short against the QA yardstick, there's 
nothing particularly security-related in this observation. If they are applying 
mature QA practices with modern risk management, but are not adequately 
addressing the software-induced business risks facing their stakeholders, then 
some security training might be in order. That security training should be 
built on the foundation of modern QA practice, including risk-based testing.

So, in some ways we agree: speak the lingo of QA. But in other ways we 
disagree. I think the original article fails to give credit to the decades of 
substantial research and practice in QA. In other wo

Re: [SC-L] Security in QA is more than exploits

2009-02-04 Thread Wieneke, David A.

"Before anyone talks about vulnerabilities to test for, we have to figure out 
what the business cares about and why. What could go wrong? Who cares? What 
would the impact be? Answers to those questions drive our testing strategy, and 
ultimately our test plans and test cases." 

We have to figure out what the __customer__ cares about and why.  Often times, 
the business areas don't have a clue about their customers.  The business areas 
throw web applications into the webiverse and hope someone will bite. What is 
going to keep customers? What is going to drive customers away? 

My 2 cents

David Wieneke, MSIT-IS, GSEC
IT Security Engineer
Security Operations and Administration
CUNA Mutual Group

-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Paco Hope
Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2009 1:18 PM
Subject: Re: [SC-L] Security in QA is more than exploits


I just read Robert's blog entry about "re-aligning training expectations for 
QA." ( It has some useful points that both developers and 
so-called "security people" need to hear. I disagree with some implicit biases, 
however, and I think we need to get past some stereotypes that sneak out in the 

Bias #1, obviously, is the focus on the web. Despite its omnipresence, there is 
more non-web software than web software in the world, and non-web software does 
more important stuff than all the web software combined. The role of security 
in _software_ testing is vital, and the presence or absence of web technologies 
does not change that. Despite writing a recent book on Web Security Testing, I 
know my place in the universe. Quality assurance and software testing are 
disciplines far older than the web, and their mission is so much bigger than 
finding vulnerabilities.

Bias #2 is vulnerabilities über alles. By talking about weaving vulnerabilities 
into security test plans, we've overlooked the first place where security goes 
into the QA process: test strategy. Look at any of the prominent folks in QA 
(Jon Bach, Michael Bolton, Rex Black, Cem Kaner), the people I'm privileged to 
share podiums with at QA conferences like STAR West, STAR East, and Better 
Software, and you'll see that security is part of the overall risk-based 
testing strategy. Risk-based testing has been around for a really long time. 
Longer than the web.

Before anyone talks about vulnerabilities to test for, we have to figure out 
what the business cares about and why. What could go wrong? Who cares? What 
would the impact be? Answers to those questions drive our testing strategy, and 
ultimately our test plans and test cases.

Bias #3 is that idea that a bunch of web vulnerabilities are equivalent in 
impact to the business. That is, you just toss as many as you can into your 
test plan and test for as much as you can. This isn't how testing is 

You don't organize testing based on which top X vulnerabilities are likely to 
affect your organization (as the blog suggests). Likelihood is one part of the 
puzzle. Business impact is the part that is missing. You prioritize security 
tests by risk severity-that marriage of likelihood and impact to the business. 
If I have a whole pile of very likely attacks that are all low or negligible 
impact, and I have a few moderately likely attacks that have high impact, I 
should prioritize my testing effort around the ones with greater impact to my 

Bias #4 is the treatment of testers like second class citizens. In the blog 
article, developers are "detail oriented" have a "deep understanding of flows." 
Constrast this with QA who merely understand "what is provided to them." They 
sound impotent, as if all they can do is what they're told. Software testing, 
despite whatever firsthand experience the author may have, is a mature 
discipline. It is older and more formalized than "security" as a discipline. 
Software testing is older than the Internet or the web. If software testing as 
a discipline has adopted security too slowly, given security's rise to the 
forefront in the marketplace, that might be a legitimate criticism. But I don't 
approve of the slandering QA by implying that they just take what's given them 
and execute it. QA is hard and there are some really bright minds working in 
that field.

As someone who has been training in risk-based security testing for several 
years now, I totally agree with some points, but very much disagree with 
others. I agree that the "bug parade" (as we call it) of top X vulnerabilities 
to find is the wrong way to teach security testing. Risk management, though, 
has been a fundamental part of mainstream QA for a very long time. Likewise, 
risk management is the same