Title: Who are you?!  Adventures in Authentication

Workshop to be held at the Twelfth Symposium on Usable Privacy and 
Security - SOUPS 2016
When: June 22, 2016
Where: Denver, CO

URL: https://www.usenix.org/conference/soups2016/workshop-who-are-you


Authentication, or the act of proving that someone is who they claim to 
be, is a cornerstone of security. As more time is spent using computers, 
authentication is becoming both more common and increasingly important. 
Users must authenticate to prove their identity to maintain a continuous 
presence with a wide variety of computing services. 

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers and 
practitioners to share experiences, concerns, and ideas about known and 
new authentication techniques. We are interested in discussing methods of 
evaluating the impact and usability of various authentication techniques, 
and ideas about novel authentication techniques that are secure, robust 
and usable.


8:30 Intro and welcome 

Session 1: Strengthening Passwords 
8:40 Strengthening Password-based Authentication (Scott Ruoti, 
Jeff Andersen, Kent Seamons; Brigham Young University)
9:00 Standard Metrics and Scenarios for Usable Authentication (Scott 
Ruoti, Kent Seamons; Brigham Young University)
9:20 Recovering High-Value Secrets with SGX and Social Authentication 
(Nathan Malkin, Serge Egelman, David Wagner; University of 
California Berkeley)
9:40 Lessons Learned from Designing and Evaluating Smart Device-based 
Authentication for Visually Impaired Users (Nata Barbosa, Yang 
Wang; Syracuse University)

10:00 Break 

Session 2: The Future of Authentication 
10:30 Who Are You? It Depends (On What You Ask Me!): Context-Dependent 
Dynamic User Authentication (Raghav V. Sampangi, Kirstie Hawkey; Dalhousie 
10:50 Exploring Games for Improved Touchscreen Authentication on Mobile 
Devices (Padmaja Scindia, Jonathan Voris; New York Institute 
of Technology)
11:10 Social Authentication for End-to-End Encryption (Elham 
Vaziripour, Mark O'Neill, Justin Wu, Scott Heidbrink, Kent Seamons, 
Daniel Zappala; Brigham Young University)
11:30 Authentication Feature and Model Selection using Penalty Algorithms 
(Rahul Murmuria, Angelos Stavrou; Kryptowire)
11:50 Who are you now? Fading to multiple personas (Sven Dietrich, Michael 
Brenner, Katharina Krombholz; CUNY John Jay College, Leibniz University 
Hannover, SBA Research )

12:10 Lunch 

Session 3: Mobile Authentication 
13:40 Implications of the Use of Emojis in Mobile Authentication (Lydia 
Kraus, Robert Schmidt, Marcel Walch, Florian 
Schaub, Christopher Krügelstein, Sebastian Möller; Technische Universität 
Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Ulm University, Carnegie Mellon 
University, Technische Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin)
14:00 Picking a (Smart)Lock: Locking Relationships on Mobile Devices 
(Elizabeth Stobert, David Barrera; ETH Zürich)
14:20 Advancing the Understanding of Android Unlocking and Usage (Lina 
Qiu, Ildar Muslukhov, Konstantin Beznosov; University of British Columbia)
14:40 Examining Visual-Spatial Paths for Mobile Authentication (David 
Lu, Taehoon Lee, Sauvik Das, Jason Hong; Carnegie Mellon University)

15:00 Break 

Session 4: Cognition and Passwords 
15:30 Measuring the Impact of Alphabet and Culture on Graphical Passwords 
(Adam J. Aviv, Markus Dürmuth, Payas Gupta; United States 
Naval Academy, Ruhr-University Bochum, NYU Abu Dhabi)
15:50 Effect of Cognitive Effort on Password Choice (Thomas Groß, Kovila 
P.L. Coopamootoo, Amina Al-Jabri; Newcastle University)

16:10 Discussion / Workshop Close 

Question about about the workshop should be directed to: 

Workshop co-chairs: 
Larry Koved                     Elizabeth Stobert
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center        ETH Zürich

Program Committee:
Hala Assal, Carleton University
David Barrera, ETH Zürich
Heather Crawford Florida Institute of Technology
Markus Duermuth, Ruhr-University Bochum
Alain Forget, Google
Claudio Marforio, ETH Zürich
Blase Ur, Carnegie Mellon University

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