

I’d like to invite you to join (or rejoin) the OWASP webappsec mailing list. We started this mailing list almost 5 years ago and it has spawned great discussion of application security issues. We’re moving the list from its current home to a server controlled by OWASP. This will allow us to provide the high quality moderation the list deserves.


You can join (or rejoin) us on the webappsec list by clicking here…





If you haven’t visited OWASP in a while, please come check out what’s going on. The OWASP standard tools, like WebScarab and WebGoat have all been improving steadily over time.  And we have tons of new projects, content, and tools, including:


-          OWASP AJAX Security Project - investigating security of AJAX enabled applications

-          OWASP CAL9000 Project - a _javascript_ based web application security testing suite

-          OWASP Code Review Project - a new project to capture best practices for reviewing code

-          OWASP Honeycomb Project - a guide to the building blocks of application security

-          OWASP LAPSE Project - an Eclipse-based source static analysis tool for Java

-          OWASP Live CD Project - a CD will application security analysis and testing tools

-          OWASP Orizon Project - a flexible code review engine

-          OWASP Pantera Web Assessment Studio Project - a hybrid testing approach

-          OWASP PHP Project - helping PHP developers build secure applications

-          OWASP Java Project - helping Java and J2EE developers build secure applications

-          OWASP SQLiX Project - a full perl-based SQL scanner

-          OWASP Testing Project - application security testing procedures and checklists

-          OWASP Validation Project - a project that provides guidance and tools related to validation.


As always, OWASP is free and open for everyone.  Please forward this message to anyone who is interested in application security. Thanks for your support.




Jeff Williams, Chair

The OWASP Foundation


"Dedicated to finding and fighting the causes of insecure software"


Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
List information, subscriptions, etc - http://krvw.com/mailman/listinfo/sc-l
List charter available at - http://www.securecoding.org/list/charter.php

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