Hi Jeff,

Thank you for the inquiry.  As an Enterprise Scalr customer, let's move 
this discussion to the Enterprise Support Portal.  Please let me know if 
you have any troubles submitting this as a ticket there.

Many thanks,

Wm. Marc O'Brien

Scalr Technical Support

On Tuesday, August 8, 2017 at 10:24:50 AM UTC-6, jebr...@cncpl.us wrote:
> Following instructions here: 
> https://scalr-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/docs/pages/12681228/3+Tier+Web+Application+-+Deploy+with+Docker
> Get this message:
> !/bin/bash\n\nset -o errexit\nset -o nounset\n\nif [ -z 
> \"${CRANE_FILE_URL}\" ]; then\n  echo \"ERROR: The CRANE_FILE_URL Global 
> Variable must be provided\"\n  exit 1\nfi\n\n# Deploy files in 
> here\nCRANE_DIR=\"/opt/crane\"\nCRANE_FILE=$(basename 
> \"${CRANE_FILE_URL}\")\n\n# Actually do the work!\nmkdir -p -- 
> \"${CRANE_DIR}\"\ncd -- \"${CRANE_DIR}\"\ncurl --fail --location --silent 
> --remote-name \"${CRANE_FILE_URL}\"\n\n# Finally, launch crane\ncrane lift 
> --config=\"${CRANE_DIR}/${CRANE_FILE}\"", 
> 2017-08-04 22:47:11,272+00:00 - ERROR - scalarizr.ops.system.init - 
> Operation "system.init" (id: fd726e63-132a-4a54-ab70-21a63680fa52) failed. 
> Reason: Command 
> "/var/lib/scalarizr/tasks/00db2812951e4c1c82577fca4f5f70b1/001-execute.script/bin/Run_Crane"
> exited with code 3 
> Looking at the docs, these are several years old.  What about 
> docker-compose and Scalr?  Would rather go that route than Crane anyhow 
> (but would take whatever works at this point).  Any tutorials or tips?

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