On 19/01/17 18:40, Watson Yuuma Sato wrote:
On 20/10/16 20:30, Martin Preisler wrote:
We have had increasing requests to scan containers and VM storage images
for compliance. In those use-cases a lot of our rules don't make sense.
For example separate partition for /tmp isn't really applicable to containers.

I thought about how we can deal with this in SSG. We have several options:

1) Separate benchmark and datastreams for containers and VM storage images:
ssg-rhel7-ds.xml and ssg-rhel7-container-ds.xml

2) Separate profile for containers and VM storage images:
pci-dss and pci-dss-container

3) Use applicability and CPE platforms to distinguish between what is being scanned. That allows us to use the same pci-dss profile for bare-metal, VM,
VM storage image and container image.

Right now I am leaning towards 3) because it "unlocks" the feature
transparently to our users. There is nothing extra they have to study to
start scanning containers. The downside is that we will have to add "fake" CPE IDs for platforms like "vm-storage" and "container". Rules that apply
to everything will have no <platform> element in them. Rules that apply
to just containers will have something like:

<platform idref="cpe:/a:*:container-image"/>


<platform idref="cpe:/a:*:vm-storage"/>

Official NIST CPE ID dictionary has these related CPE IDs

Not sure we want to go with any of those though. I would like to keep it
container and VM tech agnostic.

Before I start hacking this I would like to hear your thoughts.

Hi folks,

Following idea 3, here is a WIP PR to tackle this matter.
The PR is in a state good for review.

Changes are not intended to be extensive and complete, the aim is to get the ball rolling and check whether we are in the same page regarding how to mark the rules.

Thank you.

Please, share your concerns...

Watson Sato
Security Technologies | Red Hat, Inc

Watson Sato
Security Technologies | Red Hat, Inc
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