
I'm hoping someone on this list can point me in the direction of what I'm doing 

We would like to add some custom checks specific to our environment to the 
scap-security-guide content.

Since this is the first time I've tried to write any OVAL or XCCDF content, I 
thought I'd start with a nice simple package installed check for RHEL 6 
(vmware-tools-core) as a method of learning more about how it all hangs 

So I created an OVAL file based on some of the other package installed ones:

$ cat RHEL/6/input/oval/package_vmware-tools-core_installed.xml
  <definition class="compliance" id="package_vmware-tools-core_installed"
      <title>Package vmware-tools-core Installed</title>
      <affected family="unix">
        <platform>Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6</platform>
      <description>The RPM package vmware-tools-core should be 
      <criterion comment="package vmware-tools-core is installed"
      test_ref="test_package_vmware-tools-core_installed" />
  <linux:rpminfo_test check="all" check_existence="all_exist"
  id="test_package_vmware-tools-core_installed" version="1"
  comment="package vmware-tools-core is installed">
    <linux:object object_ref="obj_package_vmware-tools-core_installed" />
  <linux:rpminfo_object id="obj_package_vmware-tools-core_installed" 

And created a group / rule for it in xccdf:

$ cat RHEL/6/input/xccdf/system/test.xml
<Group id="test">
<title>Test Checks</title>
<description>Test Checks stuff..
and stuff...</description>

<Rule id="package_vmware-tools-core_installed" severity="medium">
<title>VMWare Tools must be installed</title>
VMWare Tools must be installed on all VMware based VM's.
<yum-macro install="true" package="vmware-tools-core"/>
<ocil clause="the package is not installed" >
<package-check-macro package="vmware-tools-core" />
<br /><br />
If the system isn't a VMWare Based VM, this isn't applicable.
<rationale>Required package for operational support.</rationale>
<oval id="package_vmware-tools-core_installed" />


Added a line into the common profile (RHEL/6/input/profiles/common.xml:

<select idref="package_vmware-tools-core_installed" selected="true" />

And finally, an entry in the RHEL/6/input/guide.xslt

<xsl:template match="Group[@id='test']">
      <xsl:copy-of select="@*|node()" />
      <xsl:apply-templates select="document('xccdf/services/test.xml')" />

However, attempting to make just the RHEL6 content fails:

$ make
xsltproc -stringparam ref "nist" -o output/table-rhel6-nistrefs.html 
transforms/xccdf2table-byref.xslt output/xccdf-unlinked-empty-groups.xml
xsltproc -stringparam profile "common" -o 
output/table-rhel6-nistrefs-common.html \
xsltproc -o output/table-rhel6-cces.html transforms/xccdf2table-cce.xslt 
xsltproc -stringparam map-to-items "../output/xccdf-unlinked-empty-groups.xml" 
-o output/table-rhel6-srgmap.html \
xsltproc -stringparam flat "y" -stringparam map-to-items 
"../output/xccdf-unlinked-empty-groups.xml" -o 
output/table-rhel6-srgmap-flat.html \
xmllint --xmlout --html --output output/table-rhel6-srgmap-flat.xhtml 
# If openscap on the system supports OVAL-5.11 language version, include also 
OVAL-5.11 checks
# into final list of OVAL checks
# RHEL/6/input/oval/oval_5.11 is empty for now!!! Uncomment the next statement 
once required
# find input/oval/oval_5.11 -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.xml' -exec cp {}  ';'
# System supports OVAL-5.11 => propagate 'RUNTIME_OVAL_VERSION' variable into 
the environment
find ../../shared/oval input/oval ../../shared/oval/oval_5.11 -name "*.xml" | 
xargs xmlwf
env RUNTIME_OVAL_VERSION='5.11' ../../shared/utils/combine-ovals.py 
../../shared/../config rhel6 ../../shared/oval input/oval 
../../shared/oval/oval_5.11 > output/unlinked-rhel6-oval.xml
Merged 499 OVAL checks.
WARNING: OVAL ID 'variable_cd_dvd_drive_alternative_names' is used multiple 
times and should represent the same elements.
Rewrite the OVAL checks. Place the identical IDs into their own definition and 
extend this definition by it.
WARNING: OVAL ID 'variable_cd_dvd_drive_regex_pattern' is used multiple times 
and should represent the same elements.
Rewrite the OVAL checks. Place the identical IDs into their own definition and 
extend this definition by it.
WARNING: OVAL ID 'variable_not_cd_dvd_drive_regex_pattern' is used multiple 
times and should represent the same elements.
Rewrite the OVAL checks. Place the identical IDs into their own definition and 
extend this definition by it.
WARNING: OVAL ID 'variable_cd_dvd_drive_alternative_names' is used multiple 
times and should represent the same elements.
Rewrite the OVAL checks. Place the identical IDs into their own definition and 
extend this definition by it.
WARNING: OVAL ID 'variable_cd_dvd_drive_regex_pattern' is used multiple times 
and should represent the same elements.
Rewrite the OVAL checks. Place the identical IDs into their own definition and 
extend this definition by it.
WARNING: OVAL ID 'variable_not_cd_dvd_drive_regex_pattern' is used multiple 
times and should represent the same elements.
Rewrite the OVAL checks. Place the identical IDs into their own definition and 
extend this definition by it.
xmllint --format --output output/unlinked-rhel6-oval.xml 
xsltproc -o output/table-rhel6-stig.html transforms/xccdf2table-stig.xslt 
xsltproc -o output/table-rhel6-stig-manual.html 
xsltproc -stringparam profile "stig-rhel6-server-upstream" -stringparam 
testinfo "y" -o output/table-stig-rhel6-testinfo.html \
xsltproc -stringparam overlay "../input/auxiliary/stig_overlay.xml" -o 
output/unlinked-stig-rhel6-xccdf.xml \
xsltproc -o output/table-rhel6-stig.html transforms/xccdf2table-stig.xslt 
cp output/xccdf-unlinked-final.xml output/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml
xsltproc -o output/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf-guide.xml 
transforms/xccdf-removeaux.xslt output/unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml
../../shared/utils/cpe-generate.py output/unlinked-rhel6-oval.xml 
input/oval/platform/rhel6-cpe-dictionary.xml ssg
../../shared/utils/relabel-ids.py unlinked-rhel6-xccdf.xml ssg
WARNING: OVAL check 'package_sssd_installed' was not found, removing 
<check-content> element from the XCCDF rule.
WARNING: OVAL check 'service_sssd_enabled' was not found, removing 
<check-content> element from the XCCDF rule.
WARNING: OVAL check 'sssd_memcache_timeout' was not found, removing 
<check-content> element from the XCCDF rule.
WARNING: OVAL check 'sssd_offline_cred_expiration' was not found, removing 
<check-content> element from the XCCDF rule.
WARNING: OVAL check 'sssd_ssh_known_hosts_timeout' was not found, removing 
<check-content> element from the XCCDF rule.
../../shared/utils/relabel-ids.py xccdf-unlinked-ocilrefs.xml ssg
WARNING: OVAL check 'package_sssd_installed' was not found, removing 
<check-content> element from the XCCDF rule.
WARNING: OVAL check 'service_sssd_enabled' was not found, removing 
<check-content> element from the XCCDF rule.
WARNING: OVAL check 'sssd_memcache_timeout' was not found, removing 
<check-content> element from the XCCDF rule.
WARNING: OVAL check 'sssd_offline_cred_expiration' was not found, removing 
<check-content> element from the XCCDF rule.
WARNING: OVAL check 'sssd_ssh_known_hosts_timeout' was not found, removing 
<check-content> element from the XCCDF rule.
xsltproc --stringparam reverse_DNS org.ssgproject.content 
/usr/share/openscap/xsl/xccdf_1.1_to_1.2.xsl \
                output/ssg-rhel6-xccdf.xml > output/ssg-rhel6-xccdf-1.2.xml
sed -i 's/style="SCAP_1.1"/style="SCAP_1.2"/' output/ssg-rhel6-xccdf-1.2.xml
oscap ds sds-compose output/ssg-rhel6-xccdf-1.2.xml output/ssg-rhel6-ds.xml
File '/home/rpmbuild/new/scap-security-guide/RHEL/6/output/ssg-rhel6-ds.xml' 
line 21316: Element '{http://checklists.nist.gov/xccdf/1.2}select', attribute 
'idref': 'dangling reference to package_vmware-tools-core_installed!' is not a 
valid value of the atomic type 'xs:NCName'.
File '/home/rpmbuild/new/scap-security-guide/RHEL/6/output/ssg-rhel6-ds.xml' 
line 21316: Element '{http://checklists.nist.gov/xccdf/1.2}select', attribute 
'idref': Warning: No precomputed value available, the value was either invalid 
or something strange happend.
File '/home/rpmbuild/new/scap-security-guide/RHEL/6/output/ssg-rhel6-ds.xml' 
line 21716: Element '{http://checklists.nist.gov/xccdf/1.2}select', attribute 
'idref': 'dangling reference to package_vmware-tools-core_installed!' is not a 
valid value of the atomic type 'xs:NCName'.
File '/home/rpmbuild/new/scap-security-guide/RHEL/6/output/ssg-rhel6-ds.xml' 
line 21716: Element '{http://checklists.nist.gov/xccdf/1.2}select', attribute 
'idref': Warning: No precomputed value available, the value was either invalid 
or something strange happend.
OpenSCAP Error: Unknown document type: 'ssg-rhel6-ocil.xml' [oscap_source.c:172]
Invalid SCAP Source Datastream (1.2) content in 
make: *** [content] Error 1

Is anyone able to point me in the direction of what I've missed ?

Kind regards,
Michael Ward.
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