Special Seminar: Book Night with Ed Yong
Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Time: 4:30 pm – 6:00pm
Location: MIT Building 46-3002 (Singleton Auditorium), 3rd Floor, 43 Vassar 
Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
Description: Every animal is an entire world—a thriving ecosystem that teems 
with trillions of microbes. These invisible companions sculpt our organs, 
protect us from diseases, guide our behaviour, and bombard us with their genes.
In this talk, based on his New York Times bestselling book I Contain 
Multitudes: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life, science writer 
Ed Yong will take us on a tour of our microbial partners and the astonishing 
ways in which they shape our lives. You’ll learn how bacteria have shaped 
animal evolution, why breastfeeding is about more than just babies, how animals 
can survive without mouths or guts, why Australian scientists are fighting 
tropical diseases by releasing infected mosquitoes, and what the microbiome 
means for human health.
This event is co-hosted by the Knight Science Journalism at MIT 
<http://ksj.mit.edu/> & Simons Center for the Social Brain 

**Books will be available for purchase beginning at 4pm in the Atrium (3rd 
floor, building 46).
The MIT Press Bookstore is offering a 20% discount (retail price: $27.99, with 
discount: $22.39).
Payments accepted: cash, check, and credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, American 
Express, & Discover).

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