I added a game (actually it was Carlsen-Nepo Game 6) to my database, and
somehow it got corrupted. (What can cause this? I think it might have
something to do with two instances of SCID open on the same database -
which perhaps ought not to be allowed?)

I kept getting these warnings about the corruption after I deleted the
game. (Maybe it would be good to turn off such warnings on deleted games?)

Anyhow, tired of seeing the warnings, I compacted the database.  This
really upset my applecart by renumbering the games.  For my uses, the best
order of the database window is by number, high to low.  This way all my
current games and other games I'm studying from online databases are at the
top.  But that's all gone now and I have to hunt for the games I'm
interested in. It would be nice if the numbering could be left alone on a
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