Hmm. Upon upgrading my system to Ubuntu 23.04, this problem appears to have
solved itself.  Maybe they fixed GNOME. Or did a new version of SCID get
installed with the upgrade that fixed this issue?

On Mon, Nov 1, 2021 at 2:50 PM Steve Cohen <> wrote:

> A minor point but one that causes me annoyance and might be easy to fix. I
> run SCID on a two-monitor setup, with the "main" monitor (as configured on
> my Ubuntu system) being the "second" monitor, not my laptop monitor. When
> SCID is started it "remembers" where it was last displayed and displays
> there, on the "second" monitor.  However, when I try to Save a game, the
> dialog that pops up always pops up on the laptop monitor, which causes me a
> brief moment (brief now that I have been trained to recognize the symptom)
> of confusion.  Why can't I do anything?  Oh, right, need to deal with save
> dialog. After many years, this still annoys.
> Would it be possible for the save dialog to pop up on the same monitor
> (i.e. on top of the main window) instead of wherever it's coded to pop up
> now? I will note that the "tip" dialog that appears when SCID is launched
> already behaves as I want the save window to behave.
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