The air dates for the Evolution Project are September 24 - 27, 8 pm to 10 pm 
on PBS.  That would be Channel 11 in Chicago.

The Evolution Teacher's Guide is available by ordering a copy from 
<> or send an e-mail to 

The Teachers Guide serves as a compass for navigating your way through all of 
the evolution resources, including the television series, multimedia 
libraries, videos, online lessons, and many interactive web features.  In 
addition to linking to these relevant resources, each  of the guide's seven 
units includes two to three activities, an in-depth investigation, learning 
goals, background information for teachers, resource lists, and extention 
activities.  The seven units address the following questions and areas:

1.  What is the Nature of Science?
2.  Who was Charles Darwin
3.  What is the Evidence for Evolution
4.  How does Evolution work?
5.  How did humans Evolve?
6.  Why does Evolution Matter?
7.  Why is Evolution Controversial?

Nice way to start the school year.  Watch TV.

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