Setting: WWF (Weather World Federation) Heavyweight
Title Bout at the Arena...

Fireworks explode as AC/DC's "Thunder Struck" plays in
the background and the zealous crowd on their feet
fill the arena with the synchronized victory
chant..."Weather World...Weather World...Weather

(Announcer interviews the Champ)

Announcer: Well, quite a show you put on here Weather
World, and who knew you had so much to
offer...fantastic weather information, great weather
pictures, an archive of your previous issues, and now
after toppling the weak and puny old version of
weather world, you are undoubtedly, the most
electrifying figure in educational weather web sites
today.  Tell us, are you surprised by your upset
victory tonight?

(Weather World quickly grabs the microphone from the
announcer and with head held high, glares over the
fervor that is a sea of adoring and ecstatic fans)

Weather World: Surprised? (he says angrily)

(Announcer takes a step backwards)

Weather World: Let me tell you something, let me tell
all of the doubters out there has taken
me months of preparation, years of education, and
hours upon hours of dedication to crush your previous
thoughts about weather world and build myself up into
what you see now, the New Weather World...the new
champion.  Thanks to the Weather World fans (crowd
noise intensifies)...I will always be the champion.

(Weather World throws microphone down, raises his arms
in victory, and the crowd's raucous celebration shakes
the rafters as the excitement cannot be contained)

Announcer: And there you have it folks, with his
signature finishing move, the "Vort Max", the New
Weather World defeated the old version of weather
world.  Like the Phoenix, Weather World rises
renewed....won't you join the educational bliss?

Weather World version 2.0

 David Manning says...
 Innovative, Creative, Easy To Use and Easy To Learn.

  Come see what everyone is talking about...

If you wish to be removed from the Weather World email
list, drop me a line.

Dubuque, IA

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