Are there any recommendations for Bluray optical media burning software applications? Burner is a Matshita BD-MLT UJ272. The drive passes all diagnostics and reads a Bluray disc with no issues. I use Verbatim 6x Bluray single layer media -- as that is all I readily can obtain. I was using Nero Linux, but that seems to be rather obsolescent in terms of current Linux production kernels and environment and fails. Nero no longer supports Linux. I have tried K3B current production; sometimes it works, sometimes it crashes (not reporting a hardware error, but reporting a crash -- I have saved the logs produced). Whatever application is recommended, it must have a second pass verify, in which the burned data is read and compared to the source data. I would prefer an open source application, but if there is a proprietary (for-fee) application that is known to work, I will consider licensing it for fee. (For example, as a Linux replacement for Adobe PDF software applications, I use Qoppa PDFStudio Pro that is closed source and licensed for fee -- but it is both supported and does work.) Please only recommend applications that either you (or your group) have tested, or know from *RELIABLE* testers to work.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Yasha Karant

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