I think it will be four words. I predict the following. 

Fox Braintrust cancels Dollhouse


--- On Tue, 11/11/08, Martin Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
From: Martin Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Whedon's Dollhouse has even more script delays and is 
dumped onto Friday nights
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, November 11, 2008, 6:37 AM

I predict that the next Dollhouse-related subject line to be posted in this
forum will be three words shorter than the subject line of this post.

Contest to see who can guess which three words first...

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
 Subject : [scifinoir2] Whedon's Dollhouse has even more script delays and
is dumped onto Friday nights
 Date : Sun, 9 Nov 2008 23:06:21 -0800
 From : "Tracey de Morsella"
 To : <scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com>

Joss Whedon's

'Dollhouse' dumped onto Friday nights

05:37 PM PT, Nov 6 2008 

When Fox President of Entertainment Kevin Reilly first heard Joss Whedon's
pitch for "Dollhouse," his new show, he was so taken that he later
it to an L.A. Times reporter this way:

"He had me at 'hello,' " Reilly said. "I was kinda drunk
with the surprise
of it all. He laid out the whole concept but I think it was one of those
things where I heard every other word of it."

Reilly no longer appears to be in a love-drunk daze about the
much-anticipated project, because Fox announced that "Dollhouse" will
premiere in one of the worst time slots in all of television--Fridays at 9
p.m., beginning Feb. 13.

The news was posted immediately on Whedoneque,  a
Joss Whedon fan site, and prompted an outcry. "It's 'Firefly'
all over
again!" posted one worried fanboy or fangirl. (Whedon's
"Firefly" was also
given a Friday night graveyard shift in Fall 2002.)

Behind the scenes, "Dollhouse" has had its share of ups and downs
 in its short
life. Whedon shut down production in September for 2 1/2 weeks to rewrite
scripts and wound up shooting the pilot again. But Whedon recently mused on
his website about how happy he was with the results and that he and the
network were finally in a good place about what they both want from the

On Thursday, it became obvious that the problems persist. Production on the
seventh episode, which is supposed to begin Monday, is being delayed at
least a day because the script was in such bad shape, according to a source
who requested anonymity. The script for the sixth episode also had big
problems, causing production delays that left the cast and crew very
frustrated, the source said.

Whedon, who directed the first episode, is hardly seen on set these days,
focusing all of his attention to writing. The show stars Eliza Dushku and
centers on a group of people who are imprinted with the personalities and
abilities they need to carry out specific missions. After they carry out
their duties, their memories are wiped clean and they live together like
children in Dollhouse, a futuristic dormatory and lab. 

"We have yet to gain any momentum," the inside source said. "The
wants to tone things, and Joss is trying to figure out how to give them that
and still do the show he wants to do."

Sounds like deja vu for Whedon. The "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and
creator vowed to never work with Fox again after experiencing creative
issues with Fox over "Firefly," his canceled TV show that led to
the movie, after success on DVD.

--Maria Elena Fernandez

Editor's Note: An earlier version of this post said that Joss Whedon
posted the timeslot/premiere news on Whedonesque. 



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