Source: SyFy Portal <> 

Tonight is the mid-season finale of "Battlestar Galactica," but we'll have
to wait so long for the last 10 episodes, I can't figure out why they didn't
just call this a season finale.

Seriously, would it have been so bad to say that "Battlestar Galactica"
ended with five seasons instead of four? The first season was only 13, and
if you include "Razor," that would make the fourth season so far 12
episodes. And other series were able to do half-orders and call it a season,
so why not "Battlestar Galactica"?

I think if SciFi Channel were to have done something like this, maybe there
wouldn't have been so many groans from TV Guide's report this week that, as
expected, the back 10 episodes of the fourth and final season won't premiere
for at least six to eight months from now ... if we're lucky. "Lost" is
doing a reduced load and stretching it out the same way, but instead of
calling it on big season, they are multiple seasons. SciFi Channel should've
done the same thing.

But seriously, that's not what I meant to write about. It's funny, I don't
really plan my SyFriday columns. I sit down to write it either Thursday
night or Friday morning (although the morning is almost over here), and I
just speak straight up. I don't go back and edit or do anything else ...
it's just flow of consciousness. So either that's good, or that's bad. Take
your pick.

But I'm excited about the mid-season finale of "Battlestar" tonight as I've
been very impressed with the season so far. It bugs me when people attack
the show because they don't understand how a serialized drama needs to have
a number of setup episodes for the main story, especially as that main story
is coming to an end. Did we have some setup episodes this year? You betcha.

I mean, think back to the end of "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine." I still think
it was a dumb idea to introduce a new character in the final season to
replace Terry Farrell (I bet I know whose idea it was ... but I won't name
any names, Rick Berman, don't worry), but it took six episodes -- yes, six
episodes -- to set up the end game
<>  for that series. And you know
what ... the finale paid off. I love the last episode of "Star Trek: Deep
Space Nine," and it was well worth all the setup.

SciFi Channel did something this past week that I was very proud of. They
took "Battlestar Galactica" so seriously that they truly, honestly and
confidently believe that they can get some serious Emmy consideration for
the show. Ronald D. Moore and Felix Alcala picked up major nominations last
year, so maybe it convinced SciFi Channel that this show should be winning
more than the Peabody (not to detract from the Peabody, but it seems people
in general only care about the Emmys anyway).

They held a screening of the mid-season finale Wednesday night in Los
Angeles, targeting potential Emmy voters and bringing in some fans and the
media. I would've loved to have been there, but I wasn't even told about it
until like two days before the event, and it's hard to get plane tickets
from Tampa to Los Angeles that quickly without spending an arm and a leg,
and to be honest, I'm fresh out of those.

But I heard it was a great event which started to promulgate rumors (i
"promulgate" the right word here? I'm too lazy, er, busy to look it up) that
there would be a big death. In fact, Daniel Malen over at The
<>  TV Addict predicted it would be our good friend
Tory, which I think was a very bold guess. But you'll have to wait and see
tonight if he was right or not.

And for the first time in a long time, I will be going into tonight's
episode not knowing a single thing. I have known major plot points for the
first nine episodes (many of which we reported right here a year ago), but
even then, I still enjoyed the season. Spoilers don't damage my viewing
enjoyment, but refusing to hear anything about the mid-season finale should
make this all the more fun tonight.

So enjoy "Battlestar Galactica." It'll be a while before we get to see any



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