When the Lich king calls

After 18 months without Warcraft, new expansion lures gamer back

By SETH SCHIESEL The New York Times

Sat. Dec 13

In March 2007, I stopped playing World of Warcraft. At the time I had
recorded 3,265 hours of playing time on my main character, a powerful
warlock who binds demons to his will and corrupts his enemies with
eldritch decay.

For more than two years I had played the game as if it were one of the
most important things in my life. Four or five nights a week, promptly at
8, I and a few dozen companions around the country would sit at our
computers for a highly disciplined session of virtual dungeon raiding that
would usually end around 1 a.m.

It worked because my girlfriend during much of that time was an investment
banker. She rarely left the office before midnight and preferred I spend
my evenings slaying dragons rather than running around New York City
without her. Call it codependent gaming.

We broke up, but I stuck with WOW through its first expansion, The Burning
Crusade, released in January 2007. I slept twice in four and a half days
as I raced to be the first player on my server to hit the new power
plateau: Level 70. Then I burned out. One random Thursday I realized I had
become hooked on the impossible notion of "beating" the game, of not only
seeing everything in the game but also seeing it before anyone else. More
important, I realized it was interfering with the rest of my life. I quit
my guild on the spot, logged off and never went back.

Until three weeks ago.

I had never experienced deep emotional trepidation in relation to a video
game until I reinstalled World of Warcraft on my computer just hours
before its latest expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, went live for the
game’s more than 11 million players (up from around 8 million when I began
my hiatus).

I knew Wrath would be immense in scope, accessible and stylized in its art
direction, rich in its lore and head-shakingly careful in its overall
design. I knew that World of Warcraft had propelled Blizzard
Entertainment, the game’s developer and publisher, to a level of staffing,
craftsmanship and wealth unmatched by any other maker of massively
multiplayer online games (known as MMOs). Over the last dozen years
Blizzard has released not a single clunker. Across the Diablo, StarCraft
and Warcraft franchises it has had an almost unnervingly consistent run of
one global blockbuster after another. (It was no surprise that Wrath set a
record for PC games with 2.8 million copies sold in its first 24 hours.)

So I knew there was about as much chance of Blizzard’s dropping the ball
with the latest expansion for its flagship product as there was of Plaxico
Burress catching a touchdown for the Giants. And I am happy to have been
right. With Wrath, World of Warcraft remains the consummate online game
and in some ways the pinnacle of what video games are supposed to be
about: melding lush production values with a profound appreciation for
what people find fun, bringing people together cooperatively and appealing
to both families and hardcore players.

Instead of worries about the game itself, my trepidation stemmed from
selfish and at times contradictory concerns. Would I get sucked in again?
Would I want to get sucked in? Would I resent the loss of my old status as
a top player? And most important, would I still know anyone?

I am happy to have been wrong to be concerned. It has taken me about 110
hours to progress from Level 70 to Level 80, but at least I spread it out
over three weeks this time. I actually enjoyed my anonymity as I moved
across the new continent of Northrend, travelling from the Howling Fjord
to the Grizzly Hills, the verdant Sholazar Basin and the peaks of
Icecrown. As other players crowed about being the first on my server to
reach various achievements, I discovered a new humility as just another
journeyman adventurer.

And most heartwarming, I have felt a bit like one of the Blues Brothers as
my online teammates have started putting the band back together. Logging
on that night just before Wrath went live, I was stunned to find that at
least a dozen of my old friends had started a new version of our guild.
Fifteen minutes after logging in for the first time in more than 18
months, there I was back in our guild’s chat channel catching up with
names and voices that I had once spent most weeknights with. From person
after person I heard stories like mine, of players who had taken extended
breaks from WOW only to come back for Wrath of the Lich King.

How long will they stay this time? How long will I? One complication is
that I have another online gaming family to worry about now, in Eve
Online, the science-fiction MMO I’ve been playing in my absence from World
of Warcraft.

Then again, Eve is a very serious, complicated game, while WOW seems to
have grown easier over the years. Even the best players used to spend
weeks or months figuring out the most difficult encounters in WOW. With
the new expansion, hard-core players blew through all the new dungeons in
a matter of days.

All of which may make World of Warcraft a nice, casual change of pace for
me now. At least until I find a new girlfriend who works nights.

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