Network head Nina Tassler does the post mortem.

by Travis Fickett <>  

July 18, 2008 - CBS head Nina Tassler is no stranger to the anger of fans
when a show is canceled. The story of Jericho has become something of TV
legend now. When that series was canceled, fans sent thousands of pounds of
peanuts to CBS and the show came back for a short second season.
Unfortunately, that season didn't perform the way CBS needed it to, and the
series was not brought back for a third season. 

Then came Moonlight, the vampire series starring Alex O'Loughlin. Like
Jericho, Moonlight was atypical for CBS, which specializes in more realistic
series and procedurals. Like many vampire series, Moonlight quickly gathered
a passionate and devoted fan base. While the show was not much of a critical
success, the fans mobilized to get the series a People's Choice Award. The
series also had blockbuster producer Joel Silver in its corner. All of that
turned out to be insufficient to justify what were - for CBS - low ratings. 

At the Television Critics Association event in Beverly Hills, Tassler
addressed her decision to ultimately cancel the series.

"Well, everybody knows I love vampires, witches, werewolves, warlocks-I love
them all," Tassler said. "The stuff with-the response to Moonlight was
actually more actor-centric. So I think it certainly measures our decision
on the show, but-right now, like I said, I don't question the choice we
made. As I said, I'm not getting as much mail, and most of those comments
were actor-centric." She later stated that CBS would love to work with Alex
O'Loughlin again. 

Tassler had earlier stated that the failure for Jericho to perform when it
was brought back did affect how CBS would assess fan support in the future.
But, here she stated " I think you're gonna have to look at each as a
case-by-case scenario," she says. "And let's not forget that all of that,
the e-mails, the barrage of the peanuts and the letters and everything,
you've got people that are passionate and at no point are you going to say
'We don't want that.'"



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