Finding a Way to Test for Dark Energy

August 30, 2005

BERKELEY, CA - What is the mysterious dark energy that’s causing the
expansion of the universe to accelerate? Is it some form of Einstein’s
famous cosmological constant, or is it an exotic repulsive force, dubbed
“quintessence,” that could make up as much as three-quarters of the
cosmos? Scientists from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley
Lab) and Dartmouth College believe there is a way to find out.

In a paper to be published in Physical Review Letters, physicists Eric
Linder of Berkeley Lab and Robert Caldwell of Dartmouth show that physics
models of dark energy can be separated into distinct scenarios, which
could be used to rule out Einstein’s cosmological constant and explain the
nature of dark energy. What’s more, scientists should be able to determine
which of these scenarios is correct with the experiments being planned for
the Joint Dark Energy Mission (JDEM) that has been proposed by NASA and
the U.S. Department of Energy.

“Scientists have been arguing the question ‘how precisely do we need to
measure dark energy in order to know what it is?’” says Linder. “What we
have done in our paper is suggest precision limits for the measurements.
Fortunately, these limits should be within the range of the JDEM

Linder and Caldwell are both members of the DOE-NASA science definition
team for JDEM, which has the responsibility for drawing up the mission’s
scientific requirements. Linder is the leader of the theory group for SNAP
- the SuperNova/Acceleration Probe, one of the proposed vehicles for
carrying out the JDEM mission. Caldwell, a professor of physics and
astronomy at Dartmouth, is one of the originators of the quintessence

In their paper in Physical Review Letters Linder and Caldwell describe two
scenarios, one they call “thawing” and one they call “freezing,” which
point toward distinctly different fates for our permanently expanding
universe. Under the thawing scenario, the acceleration of the expansion
will gradually decrease and eventually come to a stop, like a car when the
driver eases up on the gas pedal. Expansion may continue more slowly, or
the universe may even recollapse. Under the freezing scenario,
acceleration continues indefinitely, like a car with the gas pedal pushed
to the floor. The universe would become increasingly diffuse, until
eventually our galaxy would find itself alone in space.

Either of these two scenarios rules out Einstein’s cosmological constant.
In their paper Linder and Caldwell show, for the first time, how to
cleanly separate Einstein’s idea from other possibilities. Under any
scenario, however, dark energy is a force that must be reckoned with.

Says Linder, “Because dark energy makes up about 70 percent of the content
of the universe, it dominates over the matter content. That means dark
energy will govern expansion and, ultimately, determine the fate of the

In 1998, two research groups rocked the field of cosmology with their
independent announcements that the expansion of the universe is
accelerating. By measuring the redshift of light from Type Ia supernovae,
deep-space stars that explode with a characteristic energy, teams from the
Supernova Cosmology Project headquartered at Berkeley Lab and the High-Z
Supernova Search Team centered in Australia determined that the expansion
of the universe is actually accelerating, not decelerating. The unknown
force behind this accelerated expansion was given the name “dark energy.”

Prior to the discovery of dark energy, conventional scientific wisdom held
that the Big Bang had resulted in an expansion of the universe that would
gradually be slowed down by gravity. If the matter content in the universe
provided enough gravity, one day the expansion would stop altogether and
the universe would fall back on itself in a Big Crunch. If the gravity
from matter was insufficient to completely stop the expansion, the
universe would continue floating apart forever.

“From the announcements in 1998 and subsequent measurements, we now know
that the accelerated expansion of the universe did not start until
sometime in the last 10 billion years,” Caldwell says.

Cosmologists are now scrambling to determine what exactly dark energy is.
In 1917 Einstein amended his General Theory of Relativity with a
cosmological constant, which, if the value was right, would allow the
universe to exist in a perfectly balanced, static state. Although
history’s most famous physicist would later call the addition of this
constant his “greatest blunder,” the discovery of dark energy has revived
the idea.

“The cosmological constant was a vacuum energy (the energy of empty space)
that kept gravity from pulling the universe in on itself,” says Linder. “A
problem with the cosmological constant is that it is constant, with the
same energy density, pressure, and equation of state over time. Dark
energy, however, had to be negligible in the universe’s earliest stages;
otherwise the galaxies and all their stars would never have formed.”

For Einstein’s cosmological constant to result in the universe we see
today, the energy scale would have to be many orders of magnitude smaller
than anything else in the universe. While this may be possible, Linder
says, it does not seem likely. Enter the concept of “quintessence,” named
after the fifth element of the ancient Greeks, in addition to air, earth,
fire, and water; they believed it to be the force that held the moon and
stars in place.

“Quintessence is a dynamic, time-evolving, and spatially dependent form of
energy with negative pressure sufficient to drive the accelerating
expansion,” says Caldwell. “Whereas the cosmological constant is a very
specific form of energy - vacuum energy - quintessence encompasses a wide
class of possibilities.”

To limit the possibilities for quintessence and provide firm targets for
basic tests that would also confirm its candidacy as the source of dark
energy, Linder and Caldwell used a scalar field as their model. A scalar
field possesses a measure of value but not direction for all points in
space. With this approach, the authors were able to show quintessence as a
scalar field relaxing its potential energy down to a minimum value. Think
of a set of springs under tension and exerting a negative pressure that
counteracts the positive pressure of gravity.

“A quintessence scalar field is like a field of springs covering every
point in space, with each spring stretched to a different length,” Linder
said. “For Einstein’s cosmological constant, each spring would be the same
length and motionless.”

Under their thawing scenario, the potential energy of the quintessence
field was “frozen” in place until the decreasing material density of an
expanding universe gradually released it. In the freezing scenario, the
quintessence field has been rolling towards its minimum potential since
the universe underwent inflation, but as it comes to dominate the universe
it gradually becomes a constant value.

The SNAP proposal is in research and development by physicists,
astronomers, and engineers at Berkeley Lab, in collaboration with
colleagues from the University of California at Berkeley and many other
institutions; it calls for a three-mirror, 2-meter reflecting telescope in
deep-space orbit that would be used to find and measure thousands of Type
Ia supernovae each year. These measurements should provide enough
information to clearly point towards either the thawing or freezing
scenario - or to something else entirely new and unknown.

Says Linder, “If the results from measurements such as those that could be
made with SNAP lie outside the thawing or freezing scenarios, then we may
have to look beyond quintessence, perhaps to even more exotic physics,
such as a modification of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity to
explain dark energy.”

“The limits of quintessence,” by R.R. Caldwell and Eric V. Linder, is now
online at and will appear in a
forthcoming edition of Physical Review Letters.

Berkeley Lab is a U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory located in
Berkeley, California. It conducts unclassified scientific research and is
managed by the University of California. Visit our website at

Additional Information

More about Eric Linder’s research is at
For more about SNAP, the SuperNova/Acceleration Probe, visit

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

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