That's an interesting turn of phrase. 

--- In, Martin Baxter <truthseeker...@...> wrote:
> Keith, this is one more reason why I don't use my Facebook page, save for 
> keeping in touch with some old friends from my early online years. You can 
> hose around all the lies you like, and no one can pull them down.
> No, she hasn't recanted. Too busy selling herself on the lecture circuit.
> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
> hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant
> To:
> From: keithbjohn...@...
> Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 03:50:40 +0000
> Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Sarah Palin Phenom on Facebook
> I actually have no comment on this--maybe because I'm too busy shuddering at 
> this abuse of technology. And pondering anew how my fellow Americans can 
> sometimes be so unrelentingly stupid in who and what they support.
> And while I respect the emergence of the importance of social networking, I 
> don't think we've come so far yet that we should let a person's Tweets or 
> Facebook postings shape our opinions on national and international events and 
> policy.
> I mean, Palin lied on Facebook about death panels--or worse, she might have 
> been stupid enough to *believe* that foolishness--and waited five days to say 
> something about that stance (and this article unfortunately doesn't say what 
> she said. Did she recant?)
> And the conservatives were worried about Obama's nefarious programming of the 
> kiddies. I'm more afraid of the tens of thousands of Followers reproducing 
> ,and then educating their progeny. Still,  perhaps there's hope. If the likes 
> of Ari Fleischer (who I can't abide) sees through her questionable veneer of 
> charm, maybe there are a few brain cells yet working in America.
> Okay, so maybe I did have a comment or two!  :)
> **************************************************************************
> Palin emerges as Facebook phenom
> Since resigning her post as governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin
> has essentially gone dark, making almost no public appearances and
> successfully avoiding the media outlets that are clamoring to talk to
> her. 
>                 But that doesn't mean Palin has been quiet. 
>                 Relying
> almost exclusively on social media to get her message out, Palin has
> managed to carve out her own high-profile place in the national health care 
> debate, on energy policy and on tort reform. 
>                 While
> Palin isn't the only major political figure to try alternative means of
> communication to bypass the media, her unique ability to remain in the
> headlines while avoiding the spotlight suggests she may be the first to
> pull it off successfully. 
>                 For several days in August, the national health care debate 
> turned to focus on so-called "death panels," in large part because of two 
> widely-publicized Palin Facebook posts accusing Democratic authors of the 
> House proposal of creating bureaucratic entities to decide end of life care. 
>                 The post was immediately rebuked by Democrats, and even by 
> some Republicans,
> as untrue and irresponsible. But rather than immediately firing back at
> her critics when reporters came calling for a response, or issuing a
> press release defending her claim, Palin waited five days to post her
> response on Facebook. 
>                 The post, simply titled
> "concerning the `death panels,'" went up shortly before midnight on a
> Wednesday night. By late Thursday morning, a write up of her statement
> was on the homepage of dozens of national and local newspapers. The
> post also quickly became one of the most mentioned topics within the
> political blogosphere. 
>                 "I can't answer what her strategy is, but I can say that it's 
> working," said GOP strategist Mary Matalin. "A large issue of why this works 
> is that she has been so demonized and made fun of by the mainstream press." 
>                 With more than 850,000 "friends" following her every 
> statement closely on Facebook, Palin trails only President Barack Obama as 
> the most popular politician on the site. And when Palin ended her Twitter 
> feed after resigning as governor, close to 140,000 people were following 
> her—again, second only to Obama. 
>                 "It's
> the most passive form of communication there is, it's only effective if
> people are dying to go to your Facebook page," noted Marjorie
> Dannenfelser, the president of the Susan B. Anthony List, an
> organization designed to advance pro-life women in politics, and
> co-founder of Team Sarah, a network of Palin supporters. "She's got
> this quality that Howard Dean had in terms of the completely organic liberal 
> movement he tapped into." 
>                 Former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer,
> a media strategist who does not count himself as a Palin supporter,
> said the former Alaska governor's style and appeal lends itself to the
> online medium. 
>                 "Facebook is perfectly suited for someone as polarizing as 
> Sarah Palin," he said. "It's the ideal way for her to keep in touch, to rev 
> up her base and go around the mainstream media." 
> While Palin has used her Facebook page to weigh in with lengthy posts on 
> health care, energy policy and tort reform, it has also enabled her to 
> highlight causes with a more personal dimension, such as a favorite charity, 
> the celebration of Constitution Day and the commemoration of the eighth 
> anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks. 
>                 "She's
> trying to cut across the grain because everyone has been saying what a
> dope she is and she's going into depth on these issues," said Matalin.
> "This is a good strategy because it works and because it's long form.
> In an ad or any visual form, you could never take the kind of deep dive
> on a lot of these issues." 
>                 Her establishment
> of one of the most powerful social media brands in politics has
> coincided with her effort to all but drop off the mainstream media grid.
>                 Since
> her television news blitz shortly before resigning as governor, a
> chaotic period in which she was even interviewed wearing waders while
> fishing, Palin has not appeared on cable or network television. She has
> issued very few statements to the media and her press contacts have
> become markedly less responsive to press requests. While Palin will be
> delivering a September 23 speech to investors in China, the event is closed 
> to the press. 
>                 Palin's camp did not respond to numerous requests from 
> POLITICO seeking comment on this story. 
>                 To
> some degree, Palin's strategy may be driven by necessity. The former
> governor has operated with a skeleton crew since leaving the governor's
> office, with a team consisting of only a handful of staffers employed
> by her political action committee located in Virginia. 
> Even so, the practice of shutting out major print, television and news
> outlets is a sure route to obscurity—and Palin in the past has given
> every indication that she has an interest in continuing her career as a
> public figure. 
> But even as she's all but vanished from the public view, Palin has
> managed to amplify her voice and expand her reach online. The ranks of
> her Facebook friends
> have swelled by several hundred thousand since the announcement of her
> resignation, after remaining somewhat static at around 500,000 through
> the spring and summer. 
> Fleischer said Palin has been able to pick up so much online momentum because 
> "she is so exciting." 
> "She represents a gigantic movement in this country that is distrustful
> of Washington and finds her appealing for all the same reasons that the
> mainstream media finds her unappealing," Fleischer said. "This is where
> social networks are most effective. It lets you focus on your core
> constituents and fan bases, and few politicians can actually claim they
> have a fan base." 
> Still, Fleischer warned that Palin's ability to drive hundreds of thousands 
> of individuals to her Facebook page will not get her past the media filter. 
> "Facebook is one way to go around the mainstream media, but when you
> add it all together the mainstream media still exists," he said. 
> The former governor's online megaphone is taken seriously enough by her
> opponents that the labor-affiliated group Americans United for Change
> started running ads on Facebook to counter Palin's messages. 
> "Send Palin a message," reads the black and white ad, which features
> only text and a small picture of the former governor. "Health insurance
> reform is too important for outright lies. Send Sarah Palin a message; tell 
> her to stop lying about `death panels.'" 
> For those who have worked with Palin, the end-run around traditional media 
> channels is not surprising. 
> "She loves the unfiltered medium because she can make her statement and
> not be questioned directly about any nuances," one former Palin staffer
> told POLITICO.
> "It speaks to the power of Facebook and social networking in general.
> Here's a case where Facebook postings are being picked up by [the
> Associated Press] and the national media. As politicians—we're taking
> note of these media based on how well they're working for her." 
> Another longtime Alaska insider and close observer of Palin called the
> strategy "brilliant," but said it was sad to watch her relationship
> with the press deteriorate to such a point. 
> The Alaska source noted that prior to getting picked as Sen. John McCain's 
> (R-Ariz.) running mate,
> Palin once brought cookies to reporters stuck hanging around the state
> capitol on a Saturday for a special legislative session. 
> "There was so much difficulty in her getting her message out without it
> being deliberately, in my opinion, twisted by members of the media,"
> the insider said. "Now, even if a story gets twisted, they all know
> they can go right to Facebook and see what she said."
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