A number of new people have joined the group lately, so I decided to
post this call for a roll call so who in a member and what their
interests are.  Help us get to know you.  Answer the questions below
and send your Roll Call answers to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sample subject line: Roll Call:Kathy AKA Kat, Chicago, IL 

1. Name:
2. Location: 
3. Nickname(s)/Alias[s]: 
4. To What Speculative Fiction Character do you relate or
identify(describe the character):
5. Favorite Speculative Fiction Genres: Science/Speculative Fiction
and Mystery.
6. Favorite Speculative Fiction TV Shows (canceled shows ok): 
7. Favorite Speculative Fiction Movies:
8. Favorite Speculative Fiction Characters: 
9. Favorite Speculative Fiction Villain: 
10. Favorite Speculative Fiction Film or TV Adaptation of a Book:
11.  Your Favorite Show that was canceled unfairly:
12. Favorite Speculative Fiction Film or TV Adaptation of a Superhero:
13. Topics of importance to you:
14. Your own published works, if any: 
15. Your web site: 
16. Your Speculative Fiction Pet Peeves: 
17. Memberships in science fiction clubs or discussion groups:
18. Speculative fiction stereotyped scenarios or characters that irk you:
19. Movies you plan on seeing this summer:
20.  Movies you plan on avoiding this summer:

Send your Roll Call to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sample subject line: Roll Call:Kathy AKA Kat, Chicago, IL 

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