Solar systems like ours may be rare

URL to an interesting article from MSNBC

First paragraphs
As  humans look farther into the universe and discover more and more planets
beyond  the sun, many wonder how typical our own solar system is. Often
astronomers in  the planet-hunting business say discoveries of Earth-like 
worlds are
just around  the corner.
But a new study indicates our setup may be rare  indeed.
A  group of astronomers surveyed sun-like stars in the Orion nebula open
cluster  and found that fewer than 10 percent have enough surrounding dust 
to make
 Jupiter-sized planets.


"We think that most stars in the galaxy are formed in  dense, Orion-like
regions, so this implies that systems like ours may be the  exception rather 
the rule," said researcher Joshua Eisner, an  astrophysicist at the 
of California, Berkeley.
That's important because giant planets like Jupiter may  be instrumental in
fostering life on rocky worlds like Earth.
Eisner and his team observed about 250 stars in the  million-year-old Orion
Nebula, looking for dense disks of dust surrounding the  stars that could be
forming planets. They found that only about 10 percent of  the stars emitted
radiation in the frequency that would indicate they have these 
disks of warm dust. And only 8 percent of the stars surveyed had  dust disks
with masses greater than one-hundredth the mass of the sun, a mass  thought 
be the lower limit for formation of Jupiter-sized planets.
These findings seem to agree with what planet hunters are  finding so far
when they use radial velocity studies to detect extrasolar  planets around 
stars. (The radial velocity approach involves looking for a  wobble in a
star's motion caused by the slight gravitational pull of an orbiting 
"The current numbers are suggesting 6 to 10 percent of  stars have
Jupiter-sized planets, which is exactly consistent with our  findings," 
Eisner told
The researchers will detail their findings in the Aug. 10  issue of the
Astrophysical Journal.
Snapshot in time
Still, it's too soon to completely despair of  finding the universe filled
with Jupiters around other suns.
Since the survey only looked at dust around the stars,  and would not have
detected any already-formed planets, it could be that some of  those 
stars already had planets.

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"Perhaps  we're only detecting the stars that have not formed planets yet,"
said John M.  Carpenter, an astronomer at Caltech who worked with Eisner on 
Orion  research. "Perhaps some other stars already formed planets. It's only
a snapshot  in time and as you look at other clusters at different ages you
can build up a  better picture."
Other scientists agree there are many unanswered  questions about solar
systems beyond our own.
"As the precision with which we can measure improves, we  find more 
said Harvard planet hunter David Charbonneau, who was not  involved in the
Orion study. "The rate of occurrence has gone up since we  started looking."
He  said it's too soon to tell for sure whether Earth's system is atypical,
but  studies that look at whether other stars have the raw materials 
to  form solar systems like our own can help.
"Certainly knowing that there is enough stuff around  stars to make planets
is a crucial step," he said."

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