I went to see it with my sixteen year-old daughter and I was 
disappointed by what I considered to be an excessive amount of 
gratuitous sex.  I like cinematic sex and nudity as much as the next 
guy - more (I am a huge fan of Spike's gratuitous nudity trilogy: 
"She's Gotta Have It," "Mo Better Blues" and "She Hate Me") but the 
sex and nudity in "St. Anna's" was not only wholly unnecessary, it 
distracts from the impact of the movie - which, on the whole, is 
Spike's most accomplished movie to date.  Further, adding the nudity 
and sex scenes was a huge miscalculation in that it eliminated a prime 
audience the movie should have had: bus loads of middle schoolers out 
for a history lesson.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Augustus Augustus 
<jazzynupe_...@...> wrote:
> loved it.  even took a week in class 2 discuss it with my students 
(being that all of them are Black and movies dealing with what Black's 
did in WWII or ever WWI are so far and between).  We did a unit on it 
and tied it in with Fishburn's Tuskegee Airmen.  Since the system 
would not let me take a day 4 a field trip (way to go Georgie Bush and 
No Child Left Behind), we all decided 2 meet at the theater on a 
Saturday to watch it.   I talked 2 a friend of mine who is the GM at a 
theater here in Atlanta where it was playing at the time, and he 
really did hook the kids up.  they were admitted for free, and were 
able 2 buy a popcorn and coke combo for only $5 bucks.  i told all of 
my classes, so i expected about 20 or 30 kids 2 show up on a Saturday 
2 see a historical film.  instead, i had 90 kids 2 show up, and now i 
have 15 who work at the theatre who want 2 be...............of all 
things 'directors' to tell other Black historical stories.  go
>  figure.  but i love them all!
> Dr. Fate,
> p.s.  u would love cruise's movie on the big screen.  it really is 
> --- On Fri, 12/26/08, ravenadal <ravena...@...> wrote:
> From: ravenadal <ravena...@...>
> Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] No Substance to "Spirit"
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> Date: Friday, December 26, 2008, 9:45 AM
>             Thank large for this review.  As a fan of both Will 
Eisner and Frank 
> Miller's work, (not to mention Scarlett Johansson's and Eva Mendes' 
> collective bodies of work) I was looking for an excuse to see this 
> movie on the big screen. 
> Alas, as always, I will not see "Tommy Gun" Cruise's movie until it 
> comes out on DVD or makes it to cable.
> Question: as a high school teacher, did you see Spike Lee's "Miracle 
> at St. Anna's" and, if so, what did you think about it?
> ~rave!
> --- In scifino...@yahoogro ups.com, Augustus Augustus 
> <jazzynupe_007@ ...> wrote:
> >
> > o.k.
> > i agreed with the reviewer on DTESS, but i have 2 disagree with 
> 'spirit'.  just got home from the movies with the fam, and we 
> it.   my son talked about it all the way home.  it was a fun little 
> time at the movies.  i think sometimes we got so tied up in finding 
> this and that about movies that we 4get that sometimes u do not need 
> an academy award winning plot.  just fun mindless action.  point of 
> fact, Iron Man and Hulk.  just mindless fun.  also, i got a chance 2 
> see 'valkyrie' last night and i think all of the "professional" 
> critics just like dumping on cruise, because being a high school 
> history teacher, i think the movie was very good.  very good.  but 
> those are just MY opinions.
> >

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