
"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: blackscifihorrorfantasyc...@yahoogroups.com; scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
CC: atlantameetngre...@yahoogroups.com; bham_meet_n_gr...@yahoogroups.com
From: jazzynupe_...@yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 07:10:44 -0700
Subject: [scifinoir2] Cake



"Honey, could you fix the light in the hallway?  It's been
flickering for weeks now."

He looks at her and says angrily,
"Fix the lights now?  Does it look
like I have GE written on my forehead?
I don't think so"

Then the wife asks,
"Well then, could you fix the fridge door?
It won't close right."

To which he replied,
"Fix the fridge door?
Does it look like I have Westinghouse
written on my forehead?
I don't think so."

"Fine," she say,
"Then you could at least fix the steps
to the front door?  They 
are about to break"

"I'm not a carpenter, and I don't 
want to fix steps" he says,
"Does it look like I
Home Depot written on my forehead?
I don't think so! 
I've had enough of you,
I'm going to the bar!" 

  He goes to the bar and drinks
for a couple of hours................ 

He starts to feel guilty about how 
he treated his wife, and decides
to go home. 

As he walks into the house,
he notices that the steps are
already fixed.

As he enters the house, 
he sees the hall light is working.

As he goes to get a beer, he notices
the fridge door is also fixed. 

"Honey," he asks, "how'd all this get fixed?"

She says, "Well, when you left, 
I sat outside and cried.
Just then, a nice young man asked 
me what was wrong,
and I told him.
He offered to do all the repairs, 
and all I had to do was either
go to bed with him or bake him a cake."

The husband said,
"So what kind of cake did you bake?
She replied,
do you see
 Betty Crocker written
on my forehead?  
I don't think so."


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