Oh, yeah, rave. A couple in my area already are SRO all weekend long. The 
person who has to step out from behind the counter and say, "Sorry, folks -- 
we're all out..." needs to have their affairs in order beforehand.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: ravena...@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 21:22:33 +0000
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: America's urgent wing crisis



      Imagine my surprise when I discovered Atlanta was the wing capital of the 
United States.  Never in my life have I seen so many wing establishments!  

Things could get ugly down there!


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Martin Baxter <truthseeker...@...> wrote:



> Keith, brace for the rioting sure to break out here in Atlanta...


> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
> hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUxw9aUVik





> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

> From: ravena...@...

> Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 21:59:18 +0000

> Subject: [scifinoir2] America's urgent wing crisis





























>       www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-oped1127wings_newnov27,0,637059.story




> chicagotribune.com




> America's urgent wing crisis




> By Dennis O'Toole




> November 27, 2009




> Look on my wings, ye hungry, and despair.




> -- Percy Bysshe Shelley




> The United States faces a severe chicken wing shortage, yet you'll be 
> forgiven for not knowing this. The media are distracted by less important 
> shortages, like flu vaccines and full-time jobs. The talking heads of cable 
> TV prattle on about the usual nonsense: the war in Iraq, the war in 
> Afghanistan, the on-going financial crisis, our broken health care system, 
> and the increasing likelihood of mass extinctions from global warming.




> I'm sorry, am I boring you?




> Probably. What the media don't understand is: We have bigger pieces of meat 
> to fry. Chicken breasts, namely, since the price of wings now rivals that of 
> cocaine.




> Early this month the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported -- in a tone I'd 
> call alarmist were I not so freaked out myself -- that poultry production is 
> down 3.5 percent. The USDA drove this point (and the knife) home Nov. 18, in 
> its normally hilarious, "Weekly Estimated Slaughter of U.S. Broiler/Fryers 
> and Fowl":




> "The estimated number of broiler-fryers available for slaughter the week 
> ending 21-Nov-09 is 148.4 million head compared to 158.9 million head 
> slaughtered the same week last year."




> Let me put the chilling language of bureaucracy in terms you may better 
> understand: There are 10.5 million fewer chickens to eat right now than a 
> year ago, and, therefore, 21 million fewer wings. Demand, meanwhile, remains 
> steadfast and unwavering. As a result, chicken breasts are cheaper than wings 
> for the first time in the recorded history of things like this.




> Bars and restaurants all over our once-great nation have responded by booting 
> wings from the menu. Such an act of cowardice is akin to spitting on a bald 
> eagle or putting an American flag in the dishwasher.




> Worse, many of these treasonous trattorias have debased the wing by 
> introducing the "boneless wing." I can barely type that phrase without 
> vomiting. A boneless wing is an abomination, like a godless church, an Abe 
> Lincoln-less penny, or an episode of "Family Matters" without Urkel. You 
> simply cannot have a chicken wing without the bone and -- far, far more 
> important -- the skin.




> So what are these pretenders to the throne? Not wings at all, just pieces of 
> breast meat! Wings are a delicacy thanks to the optimum skin-to-meat-to-bone 
> ratio (exactly 1.618033). Breasts, on the other hand, are so tasteless that 
> most cultures use them as packing material.




> What is President Barack Obama doing about this?




> Nothing.




> Not once has he addressed Congress on the matter. Not once has he made a 
> surprise visit to Baghdad to discuss it with his generals. Not once has he 
> asked the Federal Drug Administration to release its hot sauce stockpile.




> That's called socialism. I'm pretty sure, at least. As far as I can glean 
> from current usage, socialism is whatever bothers me about Obama.




> Mr. Obama: Stop dithering. Restore the 10-cent wing night. Make the boneless 
> wing a felony. And bring back "Family Matters." God that Urkel was funny.




> Dennis O'Toole is a writer and improv performer living in Chicago.




> Copyright © 2009, Chicago Tribune



















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