Dear Yann,
thank you for that. This looks really interesting; I think I faced this issue 
myself these months in [1]. I solved it using a terrible workaround...
Could you please submit a new issue in Meanwhile, I'll try to 
find Soille's book and read it, ok? Then we can start to investigate it.
Thank you again. Kind regards,


Dr. Alexandre 'Jaguar' Fioravante de Siqueira
Grupo de Cronologia - Sala S13
Departamento de Raios Cósmicos e Cronologia - DRCC
Instituto de Física "Gleb Wataghin" - IFGW
Unicamp - Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 777
Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz - CEP 13083-859
Campinas - SP - Brazil

Phone: +55(19)3521-5362
Personal site:
Skype: alexandrejaguar

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On April 10, 2018 1:00 PM, <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I have been playing around with the watershed segmentation by markers with 
> the code proposed as example:
> Unfortunately, if we use for example floating values for the radii of the 
> circles (like r1, r2 = 20.7, 24.7), the separation is not perfect, as it 
> gives 4 labels.
> If we use the chamfer distance transform instead of the Euclidean distance 
> transform, it is even worse.
> It appears that the markers detection by regional maximum (peak_local_max) 
> fails in the presence of plateaus. Its algorithm is basically D(I)==I, where 
> D is the morphological dilation.
> A better algorithm would be to use morphological reconstruction (see SOILLE, 
> Pierre. Morphological image analysis: principles and applications. Springer 
> Science & Business Media, 2003, p202, Eq 6.13). A proposition of the code can 
> be the following (it should deal with float values):
> import numpy as np
> from skimage import morphology
> def rmax(I):
> """
> This avoids plateaus problems of peak_local_max
> I: original image, float values
> returns: binary array, with True for the maxima
> """
> I = I.astype('float');
> I = I / np.max(I) * 2**31;
> I = I.astype('int32');
> rec = morphology.reconstruction(I-1, I);
> maxima = I - rec;
> return maxima>0
> This code is relatively fast. Notice that the matlab function imregionalmax 
> seem to work the same way (the help is not explicit, but the results on a few 
> tests seem to be similar).
> I am afraid I do not have time to integrate it on gitlab, but this should be 
> a good start if someone wants to work on it. If you see any problem with this 
> code, please correct it.
> thank you
> best regards
> --
> Yann
> First mistake, this should work, but the discretization of the 'continuous' 
> values should be handled with care.
> def rmax(I):
> """
> Own version of regional maximum
> This avoids plateaus problems of peak_local_max
> I: original image, int values
> returns: binary array, with 1 for the maxima
> """
> I = I.astype('float');
> I = I / np.max(I) * (2**31 -2);
> I = I.astype('int32');
> h = 1;
> rec = morphology.reconstruction(I, I+h);
> maxima = I + h - rec;
> return maxima
> Le 10/04/2018 à 15:35, Yann GAVET a écrit :
>> Dear all,
>> I have been playing around with the watershed segmentation by markers with 
>> the code proposed as example:
>> Unfortunately, if we use for example floating values for the radii of the 
>> circles (like r1, r2 = 20.7, 24.7), the separation is not perfect, as it 
>> gives 4 labels.
>> If we use the chamfer distance transform instead of the Euclidean distance 
>> transform, it is even worse.
>> It appears that the markers detection by regional maximum (peak_local_max) 
>> fails in the presence of plateaus. Its algorithm is basically D(I)==I, where 
>> D is the morphological dilation.
>> A better algorithm would be to use morphological reconstruction (see SOILLE, 
>> Pierre. Morphological image analysis: principles and applications. Springer 
>> Science & Business Media, 2003, p202, Eq 6.13). A proposition of the code 
>> can be the following (it should deal with float values):
>> import numpy as np
>> from skimage import morphology
>> def rmax(I):
>> """
>> This avoids plateaus problems of peak_local_max
>> I: original image, float values
>> returns: binary array, with True for the maxima
>> """
>> I = I.astype('float');
>> I = I / np.max(I) * 2**31;
>> I = I.astype('int32');
>> rec = morphology.reconstruction(I-1, I);
>> maxima = I - rec;
>> return maxima>0
>> This code is relatively fast. Notice that the matlab function imregionalmax 
>> seem to work the same way (the help is not explicit, but the results on a 
>> few tests seem to be similar).
>> I am afraid I do not have time to integrate it on gitlab, but this should be 
>> a good start if someone wants to work on it. If you see any problem with 
>> this code, please correct it.
>> thank you
>> best regards
>> --
>> Yann
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>> scikit-image mailing list
> --
> Yann GAVET
> Assistant Professor - Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne
> 158 Cours Fauriel, CS 62362, 42023 SAINT-ETIENNE cedex 2
> Tel: (33) - 4 7742 0170
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