We have released patches to Scikit-learn 0.21 (python >=3.5) and 0.20
(python 2 and 3) series including several bug fixes. See their respective
change logs at
https://scikit-learn.org/dev/whats_new/v0.21.html#version-0-21-3 and

Install them from PyPI or conda-forge:
* https://pypi.org/project/scikit-learn/0.21.3/
* https://pypi.org/project/scikit-learn/0.20.4/

Thanks to all who have contributed!

Also, work in progress: Scikit-learn 0.22 is in development with lots of
great new features to be released hopefully towards the end of 2019. See
change logs at https://scikit-learn.org/dev/whats_new/v0.22.html for some
of the things coming your way, and try them out by installing the nightly
build (see

Happy learning!

the scikit-learn team
scikit-learn mailing list

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