
Sometime next week I will be releasing a new version of PC/SC Lite with a
few more fixes and support for T=1 and automatic Protocol Negotiation.  I
wrote a small library for parsing ATR's so the Status function now returns
the correct size of the ATR instead of MAX_ATR_SIZE.  I also abstracted the
SCard interface below to eventually have support for multiple card slots in
the same terminal.

The new pcsc-lite requires that the T=1 handling be supported in the
reader's IFD_Handler itself.  This is not hard and in the Transmit function
you receive the structure SCARD_IO_HEADER with Protocol as one of it's
members.  This will determine whether or not to send T=0 or T=1.  I have
generic libraries that do some of the block processing that can fit into
the IFD_Handler with little work.  I thought setting up the blocks at a
higher level such as in SCard and then sending the entire structure to the
IFDHandler but many existing drivers prepend header information that the
firmware recognizes (smart reader) to be T=0/T=1.  For this and other
reasons - I will leave the T=1 processing up to the driver itself.

Although I'm adding alot of new features to pcsc-lite such as RPC, T=1, etc
- the library size is still small ( usually under 20k )

Please send any suggestions if you have any.

Best Regards,

David Corcoran
1008 Cherry Lane
West Lafayette, IN 47906

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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