
Now that pcsc-lite has stabilized I will be doing some unnoticed
modifications from the applications point of view to improve security.  I
will continue to use Sun RPC but without portmapper and using AF_UNIX Unix
Domain sockets so that transactions only occur on the local machine.  This
will make it use of IPC not RPC.  RPC was useful in the beginning to do
debugging on remote machines but it is flawed in security and I don't like
using portmapper anyway.

SCARDCONTEXT will no longer be a 32 bit value.  It will be  a struct
containing an application identifier.   The application identifier will
consist of a 1024 bit key that will be negotiated at SCardEstablishContext
using a voting protocol key distribution.  This key will then be shared by
the app and the server and will be used to encrypt APDU's sent.

SCARDHANDLE will now be a struct containing a connection id and reader id.
The connection id will be 128 - 1024 bits to make it difficult to session
wedge by guessing the hCard value like it was previously.

Each command will have a trailing checksum.


will now receive instant notification of smartcard and usb and pcmcia
insertions and removals.  This will be done by copying a public portion
(states) of the reader database to a shared segment which any application
may read.  No longer will there be any forked processes for GetStatusChange
and an app can thread this call as much as they want.  This shared segment
will be read only.  These functions will be strictly on the client side.

I will begin some work (Unix Domain portion) now and will release next
week.  The encryption and keys and instant notification will be done by
December 28.

This will create greater security and a much better performing resource
manager and will limit the attacks done on the subsystem to random guessing
of keys which will be nearly impossible in the amount of time that a handle
is active.

The behavior will remain the same, besides gaining a few extra CPU cycles
on your machine and some memory.

Let me know your thoughts on this.

Best Regards,

David Corcoran                                  Purdue University
1008 Cherry Lane
West Lafayette, IN 47906
765 - 427 - 5147                                http://www.linuxnet.com

Linux Smart Card Developers - M.U.S.C.L.E.
(Movement for the Use of Smart Cards in a Linux Environment)

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