
On 30.08.2012 15:45, Gary Oberbrunner wrote:
On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 6:14 PM, Dirk Bächle<tshor...@gmx.de>  wrote:

the new buildslaves are doing good work...and throw a lot of fails. ;)

I'd like to open a bug for fixing a few issues, such that we can hopefully
get all tests to pass again.
Just wanted to check and make sure that nobody else has started to work on

If you do, raise your hand please...else I'll start tomorrow.
This would be great!  I fixed a few Windows failures last week, but
there are still some out there.  I think (?) all of them are test-code
rather than actual SCons bugs.  I know at least one is just a
case-sensitive string compare of drive letters (C: vs. c:), and I did
add a case-insensitive QMtest string matcher a few weeks ago which
would probably fix that one.

I started work on this (issue #2872) and will probably need a few days. ;)
It's not that complicated overall, just a lot to do.

Anyway, we still have some real problems:

- The translation issue, some tests expect a system message in English. This breaks with a German Windows installed, or any other language. Should I try to get a full translation scheme going, using gettext?
    I can try, but do we really want to open this can of worms?
- Several MSVS tests expect that VisualStudio is installed and call "cl" directly. Should I simply check with a test.where_is('cl') and then skip it if nothing is found (=only MinGW installed)? Is this safe enough for now? Or should we provide a better way to detect the installed toolchain before the actual tests are carried out? - Fortran support seems to be broken badly under Windows. Didn't have time to investigate this further so far,
    but the suffixes (*.f77, ...) are not properly recognized.
    Hints, pointers and solutions are welcome! :)

Finally, a request regarding the Buildbot setup. Bill, can you please increase the timeout setting for the Fedora17 slave from 1200s to something like 5400s? Yeah, I know that's a lot...but I timed the test KeyboardInterrupt.py on the VirtualMachine without any significant load. It takes a full 18min to finish, so we need to give it more time.
(These are 2*12 test runs with '-j' increasing from 8 up to 64...)
Thanks a lot in advance.

Best regards,


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