Iain Grant, the old moustached multiple-moothie player from Edinburgh
who will be known to any regular at Scottish folk festivals or at
Sandy Bell's, died a day or two ago.  Very suddenly, the way he said
he wanted to go; his son found him at home, still in his dressing gown.
He was widowed; his wife Alison died after very protracted illness last

Iain had been my greatest musical inspiration and in some ways nearly
a father to me for many years.  I am writing this through a smear of
tears; he'll leave a huge hole in my life, and in that of many others.
There can be hardly anyone in Scottish music with such unfailingly
upbeat enthusiasm.  He had no enemies I've ever heard of and everybody
who'd ever played with him could count him as a friend.

Because his death was so sudden and unexpected, there has to be a post-
mortem, which will be next Wednesday.  No date for the funeral yet, I'll
post it here when I find out.

He once told me that if he were to die suddenly in the middle of the
Sunday afternoon session, we were to keep him propped up in his seat
and play "The Braes of Castle Grant" over his body...

T:The Braes of Castle Grant
Z:Jack Campin <http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack/> version 1.0 September 2001
C:Duncan MacDonald, Castle Grant 1863
C:3rd & 4th parts by Geo. S. McLennan
S:G.S. McLennan, Highland Bagpipe Music book 1, 1929
B:NLS MH.s.234
{g}ed|{gcd}c2{g}B{d}A {gef}eA{d}ce   |     a2{GdG}ag     {afg}fe{g}fa |\
           c2{GdGe}cf   {g}eA{d}ca   |     B2{GdGe}Bc    {gBG}B2{g}ed |
      {gcd}c2{g}B{d}A {gef}eA{d}ce   |     a2{GdG}ag     {afg}fe{g}fa |\
           AB{GdG}ca       ce{g}B{d}c|  {g}A3{GdGe}A   {gAGAG}A2     :|
{d}ce| {ag}a3e        {gfg}fe{g}ce   |{Gdc}df{g}fa        {eg}eA{d}ca |\
           Aaga        {eg}eA{d}ca   |     B2{GdGe}Bc [1 {gBG}B2{d}ce |
       {ag}a3e        {gfg}fe{g}ce   |{Gdc}df{g}fa        {eg}eA{d}ca |\
           AB{GdG}ca       ce{g}B{d}c|  {g}A3{GdGe}A   {gAGAG}A2     :|
                                                      [2 {gBG}Ba{eg}ed|\
      {gcd}c2{g}B{d}A {gef}eA{d}ce   |     a2{GdG}ag     {afg}fe{g}fa |\
           AB{GdG}ca       ce{g}B{d}c|  {g}A3{GdGe}A   {gAGAG}A2     ||
{g}ed|  {g}c2{GdGe}cB   {g}AB{d}ce   |  {g}fgag          {afg}fe{g}fa |\
           c2{GdGe}cB   {g}Ae{g}c{d}A|  {g}B2{GdGe}Bc    {gBG}B2{g}ed |
        {g}c2{GdGe}cB   {g}AB{d}ce   |  {g}fgag          {afg}fe{g}fa |\
           AB{GdG}ca       ce{g}B{d}c|  {g}A3{GdGe}A   {gAGAG}A2     :|
{d}ce|     a2{GdG}ae    {g}fe{g}ce   |{gfg}fe{g}fd         {g}ceac    |\
        {g}Ad{g}fd      {g}cd{gef}ec |  {g}B2{GdGe}Bc [1 {gBG}B2{d}ce |
           a2{GdG}ae    {g}fe{g}ce   |{gfg}fe{g}fd         {g}ceac    |\
        {g}AB{GdG}ca       ce{g}B{d}c|  {g}A3{GdGe}A   {gAGAG}A2     :|
                                                      [2 {gBG}B2{g}ed |\
        {g}c2{GdGe}cB   {g}AB{d}ce   |  {g}fgag          {afg}fe{g}fa |\
           AB{GdG}ca       ce{g}B{d}c|  {g}A3{GdGe}A   {gAGAG}A2     |]

Jack Campin: 11 Third Street, Newtongrange, Midlothian EH22 4PU; 0131 6604760
<http://www.purr.demon.co.uk/jack>     *     food intolerance data & recipes,
Mac logic fonts, Scots traditional music files and CD-ROMs of Scottish music.
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