I hope you'll like this composition. I was feeling pretty disappointed that
with the entire holiday break almost over, I hadn't written or recorded
anything. The Lowden S-25J just was not 'working'; I was spending ages
retuning it and not playing anything. Our weekly session was turned away
from the pub on December 22nd - 'It's Mad Friday, ye're no playing the
nicht, too mony drunks aboot'. Then the snow came and no-one went anywhere.

On December 30th I took off the offending NEW string from the guitar, put on
an old one which solved the tuning problem. We went for a drive through a
countryside still deep in snow with sunset light raking across it. At night
the garden was still covered in snow and you could faintly hear water
dropping outside the window from the roof. Finally there was something which
could turn itself into a tune... written late at night, and recorded the
next day - the final day of 2000.

Lullaby for a Sleeping Landscape:


The hi-fi MP3 or download is the only accurate way to hear it, the RealAudio
works but loses most of the point of a reasonable recording from a guitar
like this! 

Happy New Millennium!

David Kilpatrick, Kelso, Scotland.

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