
I thought that the following might be of interest beyond the Nominet 

Even if you are not interested in OpenPGP SDKs you might be interested in the 
Trac project-management/wiki/SCM used by  http://openpgp.nominet.org.uk/  - I 
had not seen it before and thought it worthy of perusal. It also seems to use 
a BSD type of licence.


----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: [nom-tech] Announcing OpenPGP:SDK
Date: Friday 28 October 2005 10:21
From: Jay Daley <jay nominet.org.uk>
To: nom-tech lists.nominet.org.uk

Dear techies

As you probably know we make considerable use of PGP here at Nominet,
primarily for the Automaton.  This uses an SDK that is now several years
old, which limits the types of keys that we can support.  We tried
unsuccessfully to upgrade to the latest commercial SDK but this does not
support 64 bit Solaris, which is the platform the Automaton runs on.  None
of the open source alternatives have been suitable, for a variety of
reasons.  Most notably, GnuPG does not provide a library (see
http://www.gnupg.org/(en)/documentation/faqs.html#q4.16 for more details).

As a result we commissioned the development of a new PGP SDK based on the
OpenPGP RFC and built on top of OpenSSL.  This development is open source
under the Apache/BSD licenses since it is not something that we need to be
proprietary.  The SDK is now in beta and implementers and testers are
being sought.  If you are interested then please see


Jay Daley
Director of IT
Nominet UK
Nominet UK Technical Mailing List


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