There is no need to. I made a PDL to SDL_surface work before. And in SDL2
you can create template from surface.

On Sun, Aug 18, 2013 at 12:33 AM, Mason James <> wrote:

> On 2013-08-17, at 1:37 AM, Chris Marshall wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 6:05 PM, Kartik Thakore
> > <> wrote:
> >>
> >> I am definitely interested in helping with this. Perhaps we should make
> a
> >> test module that tests just these integration.
> >>
> >> It will get latest branches of the 3 projects and run tests.
> >>
> >> What do you think?
> >
> > I'm glad to see the interest but most of the base work
> > is still needing to be done as far as the OpenGL stuff.
> > We need modern OpenGL support in POGL before a lot of
> > the specific development can occur.
> >
> > However, one important piece that could be investigated
> > is how we could make conversion between SDL2 objects
> > and PDL objects work.  Ideally we could have a fast
> > conversion to take a piddle and use it for an SDL2 surface
> > or texture or whatever and similarly for the other direction.
> >
> > Currently, the approach used for SDL is to create the PDL
> > object with the right sized data segment and then pass that
> > to SDL to make a surface from that.  I'm not sure what would
> > work for SDL2 stuff.
> >
> > --Chris
> hi Chris,
> i was looking at elmex's construder code recently, and noticed that the
> passing of an SDL surface to OpenGL was done by dumping the SDL surface to
> a BMP temp file (via File::Temp), then loading the BMP with OpenGL.
> obviously this solution is a little slower than others, but... it should
> 'just work' without much effort
> we could always use this lazy technique for initial testing, until a more
> 'correct' solution is sorted with SDL_Texture :)
> Mason

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