Dan hung out in the official chat from about 2AM to 3AM EST. The
conversation was very friendly and informative. For the whole transcript, go
to In the Blue ("http://www.nexusx.com/sdre/") and then click on the
'Interact' section, the link is just under the link to my sdre chat program.
You can also find a link to it on the home page and the news page, I'm only
telling you about the link on the interact page becuae I put a new poll
question up about Time Bomb, so please be kind and participate, if you
don't, you will have shaved ten minutes of your life off....OK not really.
If you don't feel like reading the whole thing, major news that broke is
that SDRE will possibly open up for Dave Matthews Band, if they do not opt
to headline their own tour through the cities they missed. They'd love to
tour Europe in the near future, but are going to definitely tour the US
again first. Dan is 31 years old, can quote Monty Python movies, and his
wife is doing well and the baby is kicking away. He also cheats at the video
game I made.

PS - In the Blue's move to sunnydayrealestate.net is going slowly but
surely, I'm waiting for a confirmation e-mail from my new webhost before I
can begin to move the website over, beings I started Saturday morning, I may
not hear from them until Monday. As Jeremy would say, "Thanks for being
patient" and as Dan would say, "Peace Out".

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