> Nate wants back into Sunny Day.  Do they say:
> 1. Yes!  We'd love to have you back.
> 2. Yes, but only if he had quit the Foos before he
> asked, showing he had
> given everything up just to be back with SDRE.
> 3. Well, we're sorry nate, but we enjoy being a
> three piece now.
> 4. No friggin' way, man.  You had your chance.

anyone even care what i think? didn't think so but
here goes:
sunny day real estate SHOULD say:
1. yes c'mon back. this would show that they are kind
caring individuals.
2. this would make little sense as one can imagine
that to screw oneself out of the means by which to
support a family and pay a mortgage at the risk of
being told to screw off would seem like just a plain
ol' stinky idea. nate shouldn't have to ask anyway.
3. again, this would be a bad idea because the band
has stunk (okay, been playing less enthusiastic music)
since nate was no longer involved with the project.
making it four again might bring back some of the
spark that was lost.
4. one should skip #4 completely, unless it was said
in a sarcastic manner and the real response after the
joke was over was: "hey nate. come back and play
amazing basslines. we have a whole bunch of fans that
really dig us but we have lost a few in the fray
because we just don't sound like we used to. uhhh, we
just don't sound like sunny day real estate. we sound
like a sdre cover band without you. so please come

it will never happen. i rip on this band a lot but you
must realize that they were practically the soundtrack
of my life 1995 through 1998. maybe i am just like
those dirty stinky hippies who live in the past, but i
think for a band to have had that much of an impact
and then to have lost it is kinda sad. oh well. 

i accept flames and spam. 

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