I went and saw Burning Airlines and it was really incredible--still had a 
Jawbox type feel to it and it was great--but if anyone has seen them or does 
see them answer me this if you can--Does Peter on drums resemble the playing 
style of will when he plays--all i could think when i watched him was damn he 
sits up there and looks like will with a shaved head and a few more pounds on 
him--im not saying he hits as hard as will so before you start responding 
what the hell hes not will--will has the biggest man penis in the world and 
id let him shove his drumstick up my ass if he asked please save it--email me 
privately if anyone feels the same--also the band Faraquet opened for them 
and hot damn they were good and ill be damned but the singer resembles jeremy 
and has the same posture and everything as him when he plays and sings--i 
dont know--if you get a chance check the show out--thanks

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