
yes it seems to work. you can check by fixing hypocenter and origin time and if you then vary the station elevation from say - 999 to +999, you also see that the travel time changes accordingly. remeber "altitude in m, in some rare cases, the station is deeper than 1000 m in which case the minus sign has to
be put in column 1"


On Sun, 11 Feb 2018, Hicks S.P. wrote:



I would like to relocate some events recorded on ocean bottom seismometers.


I realise that you can input negative station elevations in the control file
STATION0.HYP, but are these elevations actually used in the location
algorithm [even if TEST(40) parameter has been set to 0.0]? i.e. do the
residuals account for the station elevation differences?


Thanks in advance,




Dr. Stephen Hicks

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Passive Source Seismology

University of Southampton


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