type firewalld_tmpfs_t;
fs_tmpfs_filetrans(firewalld_t, firewalld_tmpfs_t, file)
manage_files_pattern(firewalld_t, firewalld_tmpfs_t, firewalld_tmpfs_t)
allow firewalld_t firewalld_tmpfs_t:file { map execute };

allow firewalld_t self:netlink_netfilter_socket { create getopt read setopt 
write };
allow firewalld_t firewalld_etc_rw_t:dir watch;

I'm going to put something like the above in the next upload, which covers 
most of what you suggested.

The "(null) 0x2" is dbus stuff, it's displayed like that due to a bug in the 
dbusd logging.

I don't think it should be accessing /root.  Can it work OK without such 
access?  Generally we don't want to give daemons access to user_home_dir_t or 
xdg_data_t unless they have a good reason for it.

What does it need capability setpcap for?

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