On Montag, 12. November 2007, cnit wrote:
> > Yes, I could use this as well. But this feature comes only after the
> > implementation of {{#ask...}} (since this change will change the
> > interaction of inline queries with MediaWiki's table creation).
> Can the implementation of {{#ask}} make possible such trick that I've
> unsuccessfully tried to perform with SMW 0.7:
> Instead of displaying a page link in ask query template (via {{{1}}})
> I've tried to display the content of resulted pages with
> {{ {{{1}}} }}
> Yet, expansion didn't work.

I expect that this works now with #ask, *BUT* there already is a format for 
what you want to do. It is called "embedded" and it can be customised with 
the following parameters:

* embedformat = {h1, h2, h3, ol, ul} (how to format the result list)
* embedonly = true (whether to leave away the headlines)

This must, however, be combined with <noinclude> so as not to import semantic 
data or category data to the page that asks the query (especially when using 
#ask). Embed also works for annotation-objects, e.g. to print the 
query "[[some page]] [[links to::*]]" -- then all the values of "links to" 
will be embedded. Other than the "first column", print requests 
for "embedded" are usually ignored. Also, there are known ways of cyclic 
embedding that may lead to infinite inclusion loops (though in practice these 
tend to be as finite as available memory).

> If that won't be possible even with {{#ask...}}, maybe is it possible
> to make another format of ask queries, something like this:
> <ask format="expandtemplate"
> to display the content of resulted wiki pages instead of their titles
> with links?
> You know, imagine that performing such ask query, where the result is
> wiki page "Dresden" and wiki page "Berlin" would display the text of
> these pages instead of list of links.

Yes, I already use this for my (semi-)blog that is based on SMW :-) (not that 
I am very active as a blogger, but anyway here is the example page, mostly 
generated by a query: http://korrekt.org/index.php/Blog).


Markus Krötzsch
Institut AIFB, Universät Karlsruhe (TH), 76128 Karlsruhe
phone +49 (0)721 608 7362        fax +49 (0)721 608 5998
[EMAIL PROTECTED]        www  http://korrekt.org

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