
I've added support for result format aliases to SMW. In essenece this means you 
can have multiple values for the format parameter, which will have identical 
output. The reason for doing this is that Semantic Maps uses an aliasing system 
for mapping services (example: googlemap, gmap and google will do the same as 
googlemaps, which is the actual result format). Before this change to SMW, an 
instance of a query printer needed to be created for every alias, which does 
not make much sense, is bad for performance and brought with it several other 

I've made changes to 2 files:

1. SMW_Settings.php:
Added: $smwgResultAliases = array();
This array holds result formats as the keys, and the aliases as (array) value.
Example: $smwgResultAliases['googlemaps'] = array('googlemap', 'gmap', 

2. SMW_QueryProCessor.php:
I've changed getResultFormat to the following:
    static protected function getResultFormat($params) {
        global $smwgResultAliases;
        $format = 'auto';
        if (array_key_exists('format', $params)) {
            $format = strtolower(trim($params['format']));
            global $smwgResultFormats;

            if ( !array_key_exists($format, $smwgResultFormats) ) {
                foreach($smwgResultAliases as $mainFormat => $aliases) {
                    if (in_array($format, $aliases)) {
                        $format = $mainFormat;
                        $isAlias = true;
                if (! $isAlias) $format = 'auto';  // If it is an unknown 
format, defaults to list/table again
        return $format;

Does anyone have an objection or suggestion for improvement related to this 
little change?



Jeroen De Dauw 

* Forum: code.bn2vs.com
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