Hey all,

Semantic MediaWiki 1.5.3 release candidate 1 is now available for download
[0]. If no issues are found, version 1.5.3 will be released next week.

The most notable changes include:
* Compatibility with MediaWiki 1.17 by using the new Resource Loader [1].
* 4 new comparators for explicit strict or non strict greater and smaller
then comparisons: >> and << are strict and ≤ and ≥ are non-strict [2].

Several bugs have also been fixed, and a number of minor internal
improvements have been made.

[0] http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Download
[1] http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Resource_loader


Jeroen De Dauw
* http://blog.bn2vs.com
* http://wiki.bn2vs.com
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