On Sat, Oct 23, 2021 at 9:24 AM Billy Zheng <vil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Ruby 3.1 will make ruby fiber scheduler, which introduced in ruby 3.0,
> the official non-block io and concurrency solution, more mature and
> completely, but, as mention by Samuel Williams @ioquatix, who is the
> author of async, in this video.
> https://youtu.be/Y29SSOS4UOc?list=LL&t=1406
> activerecord use  one connection per thread, because of this, multiple
> independent fiber
> on the same thread will be using the same underlying connection, this can
> cause problems because multiple fibers could incorrectly share a
> transaction, this is kind of a design fault of activerecord.
> so, i just curious if sequel exists a similar issue, and if is, if there
> is a plan to solve this, and how to do it.

You can use the fiber_concurrency extension to support this in Sequel:


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