[SNN] Russia: Other Points of View: THE DESTRUCTION OF UKRAINE

2014-05-29 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
http://www.russiaotherpointsofview.com/2014/05/the-destruction-of-ukraine.html THE DESTRUCTION OF UKRAINE by Patrick Armstrong The Ukraine that existed last summer, was a space on the map whose boundaries were drawn by Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev. Not, perhaps, the people you'd pick to

[SNN] Day after disaster

2014-05-29 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
DAY AFTER DISASTER DAY AFTER DISASTER View on vimeo.com Preview by Yahoo

[SNN] Update 4 on Donation Campaign for Flood Relief in Serbia

2014-05-29 Thread 'ANTIC.org-SNN' antic.miros...@gmail.com [SerbianNewsNetwork]
On Wednesday, May 28, 2014 11:12 PM, ETF BAFA mailto:etfb...@gmail.com> > wrote: Dear members and friends of ETF Belgrade Alumni and Friends Association, Our goal was to collect $10,000 by May 28th, when our campaign ends. However, by the end of Wednesday, May 28th, we collected $13