777 Shot Down Over Ukraine

Getting Past The Lies

Israeli owned Fox News propagandizing for a World War, blames Russian ground 
based missiles


By Gordon Duff with Jim W. Dean

We have people on the scene now (1:45PM EST) who have found a bag of passports 
and medical equipment.  We will keep you updated.


Initial stories, traced back to Israeli intelligence, that a Russian jet is 
responsible for downing the Malaysian Airlines 777 with all aboard, are being 
disseminated to anyone stupid enough to listen.  Showing their hand this early 
is a monumental blunder.

Here is what we have so far, unconfirmed.  An American built F 15 fighter took 
off from an airfield in Azerbaijan.  Back in 2010, Azerbaijan claimed that this 
and one other airfield was taken over by Armenian militants.  However, these 
two facilities were home to Israeli aircraft that relocated there as while 
participating in training exercises with the Turkish Air Force.  Turkey allowed 
Israel to train pilots in strategic bombing in areas selected because they 
closely resembled potential Israeli targets in Iran.

Israel would send 8 aircraft in for training with the Turks, 6 would return to 
Israel, two went on to Azerbaijan in preparation for a planned air assault on 
Iran.  To aid this effort, Saudi Arabia put out cover stories stating that it 
had denied Israeli requests to cross their territory to attack Iran.

These bases are supplied through the Georgian seaport of Poti.  Armaments for 
the “attack that never happened” were offloaded in Poti by the USS Grapple in 
2010 and shipped with help of Chechen extremists working with the Jamestown 
Foundation and Rand Corporation.

Those two organizations were recently found to be working with groups in Turkey 
in support of ISIS operations in Iraq as reported by Jeffrey Silverman, 
Veterans Today Bureau Chief working out of Tbilisi.

The reason for the attack on the airliner is not clear and can only be 
speculated on.  This is an extremely serious incident.  Pro-Russian separatists 
in the Ukraine have no air defense systems capable of operating that high, or a 
need for them with air ground attack being their main concern.  US surveillance 
which includes AWAC, drones and satellites is capable of detecting the launch 
of any air defense missile, ground based, capable of reaching the necessary 
32,000 foot altitude.

Such a weapon would have been spotted in seconds and, as all such systems in 
the region are under continual surveillance due to the sensitive nature of the 
conflict and the history of allegations made, making claims we expect to be 
made outlandish.

There are questions.  Why two Malaysian Airlines planes?  If someone or 
something so threatening that this act was seen as ”reasonable and justified,” 
even by the Israelis, was undertaken, we will never hear the truth.  Minimally, 
biological or chemical agents capable of global holocaust would have to have 
been onboard.

After the disappearance of Flight 370, author Chris Bollyn published 
photographs of a plane that looked identical to flight 370 stating that plane 
was in Israel and was likely to be used by that nation in a terror attack.  The 
story, both fascinating and yet reeking of wild conspiracy theory, dominated 
alternative media for some time.  There is now serious reason to reassess the 
story, why was it written, what were the sources and was it simply a hoax or 
tied to something far more serious.

The only other possibility is destabilization of the region and to push for a 
world war.  It is reasonable to suggest that an Israeli plane was involved 
because we know they have the only clandestine capability within the region.

As to the plot or reason, simply blaming Israel is not supportable, no more 
than blaming Hamas for murdering the 3 children a few short weeks ago.

Thus, we assume these as high probability:

*       An aircraft was used, most likely an American built F15 because of 
range and capability.
*       Azerbaijan was used because we know of clandestine bases there, which 
were confirmed by military officers who defected to Iran in 2013.
*       We know Israel has some role, yet undefined, because they are spreading 
stories blaming Russia.
*       As this is a second Malaysian Airlines plane to go down, we look for 
false stories regarding Israel and Malaysian planes and reassess their meaning.
*       As is always the case, que bono, who benefits?

We ask readers to watch the world news and those in the region, report directly 
to our bureau there.



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