Brzezinski endorses arming Ukrainian junta, to no avail

© Collage: Voice of Russia

The situation in Ukraine is on the verge of spiralling out of complete control, 
especially now that the junta's military and Pravy Sector irregulars 
  are deployed against the citizens of the Southeast 
<> . The US 
is bunkering down in its support of the coup-imposed Ukrainian authorities with 
a renewed round of sanctions against Russia 
<>  and 
Congressional chatter about arming the Ukrainian forces 

Among the strongest advocates of American aggression is former National 
Security Advisor and influential policy activist Zbigniew Brzezinski 
(incidentally, the strategic founder of the Mujahedeen 
 ), who in a recent article 
  argues that the US needs to step up its military commitment to Ukraine. What 
is most striking, however, is that Brzezinski's attempts to paint Russia in a 
negative light betray a self-conscious guilt on the part of the American ruling 
establishment. As such, Brzezinski’s latest blather into public diplomacy 
should be seen as nothing more than the thinly disguised psy-op that it is.

Most news reports on Brzezinski's piece focus on his suggestion to arm the 
Ukrainian military (and by implicit understanding, the Neo-Nazi Pravy Sector 
forces now aligned with them) in order to create a type of guerrilla insurgency 
to sabotage any Russian peace and stabilization intervention in the beleaguered 
Southeast. This plan for proxy warfare reeks of the stench of 1980s 
Afghanistan, when the US (guided by Brzezinski) worked to trick the Soviets 
into a quagmire. A simple substitution shows that the US has a simple plan for 
copying this template into 2014 Ukraine. Whereas the Afghans had Stinger 
missiles, rural battlegrounds, and CIA-trained organization, the Ukrainians are 
envisioned to have hand-held rockets and anti-tank missiles, an urban 
battleground, and, like the Afghans, CIA organization 
<>  as well. It's the same 
trick being played on the same audience, but this time the trickster himself is 
the fool. 

Nowhere is this seen more explicitly than in Brzezinski’s plea for Obama to 
present a "comprehensive statement of what is really at stake". A point for 
point response as viewed by the Rest (non-West) follows: 

Brzezinski: Why we are facing this problem? 

Rest: There has been an explosion of Western-organized covert activity all 
across the world (Color Revolutions 
 , "Arab Spring"), dangerously culminating on Russia’s doorstep. Brzezinski’s 
Arc of Crisis and Eurasian Balkans 
  policy have leaped from the Mideast to Eastern Europe in order to separate 
Russia from Ukraine. Brzezinski wrote in his 1997 book "The Grand Chessboard" 
that keeping Ukraine away from Russia is absolutely necessary to prevent Russia 
from restoring an "empire 
 ". This line of thinking fulfils Hillary Clinton’s threat of "figure[ing] out 
effective ways to slow down or prevent [the Eurasian Union] 

Brzezinski: Why it is in our common interest to resolve it? 

Rest: Nobody in Eurasia wants to see the Eurasian Balkans project succeed, 
because if it does, then a bloody divide and rule policy will conquer the 

Brzezinski: Why, if negotiation does not work out, (do) we have an obligation 
to help Ukraine? 

Rest: The entire world has an obligation to help the people of Ukraine, just 
not the junta. Color Revolutions and their spawn must be eradicated at the 
root, otherwise their non-state actor infrastructure will spread like weeds 
throughout the Eurasian lawn and choke out other Resistant and Defiant (R&D) 

Brzezinski: Above all, the president must clarify why we cannot tolerate an 
international system in which countries are invaded by thugs and destabilized 
from abroad. 

Rest: This is exactly what President Putin and the Russian Federation have been 
doing for years, and Putin most recently referred to the threat of Color 
Revolutions in his speech announcing the reunification of Crimea with Russia 
<> . Thugs have turned Libya into a 
"scumbag Woodstock 
 ", and they have been fighting for over three years to overthrow the popular 
secular government of Syria and replace it with an extreme Islamic 
dictatorship. Both are exported from abroad, and the US has now set its shadowy 
sights on Ukraine <> .

Brzezinski: And why this is a common responsibility not just for us but for our 
allies and other friends like the Chinese, whose stake in stability should be 
as great as ours. 

Rest: China most certainly has a stake in Eastern European stability, so much 
so that it has just announced its cooperation in linking Crimea to mainland 

The Rest understands the trick being played by the West, and they are not 
falling for the same games anymore. This is why Brzezinski implores Obama to 
address the American people, not the world, in pushing for an escalation of the 
crisis by arming the Ukrainian junta. It’s a lost cause to try to sell the same 
old shtick to a global non-Western audience that is becoming more politically 
and economically empowered with each passing year. And interestingly enough, it 
may even be a sign of desperation for Obama to so explicitly address his 
American subjects on this topic. After all, at the end of March, 46 percent of 
Americans disapproved of the way Obama was handling the Ukrainian Crisis 
 . Western pundits may spin this as meaning that the public wants Obama to "get 
tough" on the issue, but the opposite may be true. One needs look no further 
for evidence of the US population's weariness for warfare than the extreme 
unpopularity that a US strike on Syria last year 
 , to say nothing of taking measures that could theoretically push Russia and 
the US to nuclear brinksmanship. 

The ultimate irony behind Brzezinski’s piece is it is he who engineered this 
entire Ukrainian destabilization strategy through the theories advocated in  
 "The Grand Chessboard". It is not realistic that he, of all people, would 
suddenly turn into a dove after his policy has seen relative success in 
disrupting Russia's foreign policy with its largest Eastern European neighbor. 
Taken from this obvious perspective, his article and its "peaceful" 
recommendations (a trilateral economic framework) should be taken with a grain 
of salt. Cursory research would indicate that it was first Russia, not 
Brzezinski, who thought of the trilateral idea, although this was flatly 
rejected at the time 

Additionally, while using Turkey's 50+ years of trying to join the EU as some 
type of assurance that Ukraine would not immediately be gobbled up into the 
Union, Brzezinski conveniently omits the blinding speed that Brussels surged 
East into relatively poor and politically dysfunctional Bulgaria and Romania, 
to say nothing of formerly war-torn Croatia's ascension last year. The ease 
with which he mentions "vulnerable NATO countries" shows that he takes for 
granted these countries' membership in NATO in the first place, which itself 
clearly violates the agreement not to expand the alliance eastward after the 
Cold War. With these basic facts in mind, one can rightly (for once!) channel 
John Kerry and describe Brzezinski as the real "propaganda bullhorn" of the 
Ukrainian Crisis.

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