CIRSD Conference on the Great War 

The Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD) will 
convene a two-day international conference, marking the centenary of the 
outbreak of the First World War (WWI).


The conference which is entitled "The European Tragedy of 1914 and the 
Multipolar World of 2014: Lessons Learned", will gather some of the world’s 
most renowned academics, historians and political figures, who will discuss on 
around the causes of WWI, and examine what parallels are to be drawn with 
emerging crises burdening the contemporary world.


The conference, hosted by CIRSD, will consist of five panels, featuring more 
than 20 high-level speakers. These will include Professor Christopher Clark, 
the author of the controversial bestselling novel The Sleepwalkers: How Europe 
Went to War in 1914 (2012); George Friedman, the founder of Stratfor; Hartmut 
von Strandtmann an Oxford University Professor and a close associate of 
influential German historian Fritz Fischer; Professor Jeffrey Sachs from 
Columbia University; Professor Nina Khrushcheva, a granddaughter of Nikita 
Khrushchev; as well as other prominent panelists representing different views 
on the matter.


On its first day, the conference will focus on causes as well as consequences 
of WWI. The second day, however, will examine the lessons learned from one 
hundred years ago, and consider what should be their appropriate application to 
contemporary international relations.


English will be the working language of the conference. Latest news regarding 
the program, attendance and registration information is available here 

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